NAV Report # 10056 Question...recreate variable

gadzilla1gadzilla1 Member Posts: 316
There is a variable in NAV Report # 10056 called "OutstandingExclTax$". The variable representation that I need is located in the Customer footer in the sections of the report. Is anyone aware of an alternate method of displaying that value?

The reason is that I’d like to recreate the "OutstandingExclTax$" variable in another report.

Thanks and have a great day. Chris


  • gadzilla1gadzilla1 Member Posts: 316
    I was getting a division by '0' error and I missed the obvious. A peer helped me out, here is the result:

    SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",SalesLine."Document Type"::Order);
    IF SalesLine.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
    IF SalesLine.Quantity <> 0 THEN
    OutstandingExclTax := OutstandingExclTax +
    ROUND(SalesLine."Outstanding Quantity" * SalesLine."Line Amount" / SalesLine.Quantity);
    UNTIL SalesLine.NEXT = 0;
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