Import and maping fields from csv

enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
I try to create data port which will import data from csv file. Before importing I need to find record with key (in code, onBeforeImportRecord) which is in csv file. When it find record with key it should replace key with another value which is also (second data) in same csv file.

CSV has this template

How can I assign (map)values from csv whith some variable which I can use in code (to find record with oldKey1 value) ?
What I should do to enable changing some key-value?
(I know that I must disable any unpredictable situation during import, in code)

I appreciate any help....


  • nuno_almeidanuno_almeida Member Posts: 3
    Hi there,

    I belive that your problem you want to solve is renaming the record key, right?

    Try it this way.

    Create 2 code variables

    And a Record variable of the table to wich you want to import
    For example:

    On the dataport fields assign the Oldkey variable to the first line, and the NewKey variable to the second line

    Now on the onBeforeImportRecord

    Use this code:

    IF ImportRecord.GET(OldKey) THEN

    It's as simple as that
  • enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
    Thanks man...I will try tomorrow that...and mark this as SOLVED (I hope).
  • enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
    It work fine but....After create one empty line in table and also skip last record in csv file.To solve that, I was add one row (temp;temp) and it change all keys before temp and this is acceptable for me...

    I will continue with this solution but if anybody has some better solution I will appreciate.

    And thanks Nuno, it was helpful.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Where are you putting your code & does your file have a header line?
  • enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
    I put my code in On before import section of ITEM which is selected in dataport. I select one table in which i want to change keys.
    I try to replace key value (field No.) in Item table. I have csv file in format

    ExistingKey1; newKey1
    ExistingKey2; newKey2
    ExistingKey3; newKey3

    so I need to replace if I find in ITEM item with Existing key with newKEY.

    Also I find solution for my previous problem with empty row. I set on ITEM of dataport properties AUTOSAVE and AUTOUPDATE on "NO"....AFTHER THAT IT WORK FINE...If I find solution for my second problem...I will present it here...
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I believe if you put your code
    it should not skip or add any lines - have you tried you dataport using that trigger?

    You want to do stuff "after" you get it
  • enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
    You are right...i resolve that.
    Now I have another problem. I have three companies with one shared table Item. I want to change Items key in all of them.Companies which I need has value "share Items" set on true in Company table. If I want to change some Key I must change "share Item" on FALSE. So I create next code...(in on after import record section)...

    T_company.SETFILTER("Share Items", '%1', TRUE);
    IF T_company.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT


    T_company."Share Items":=FALSE;

    //******when I dont go in next statement******
    IF ((oldKey<>'') AND T_item.GET(oldKey)) THEN BEGIN
    //MESSAGE('Kljuc'+oldKey+' is replaced: '+newKey);
    MESSAGE(oldKey+' not found');

    UNTIL T_company.NEXT=0;

    I don't know why it go only first time... in "IF ((oldKey<>'') AND T_item.GET(oldKey)) THEN BEGIN" statement. For other companies it don't go. In many cases RENAME don't work...(it work without changing company)
  • enoahmedspahicenoahmedspahic Member Posts: 25
    FINAL code

    I create DataPort with one item "Item (Table)".
    Afther that I create global variables:
    Name DataType Subtype Length
    T_item Record Item
    oldKey Code 20
    newKey Code 20
    T_company Record Company

    Mapping records within CSV file and dataport is created in Dataport fields:
    Enabled SourceExpr StartPos Width
    Yes oldKey 0 0
    Yes newKey 0 0

    After that, next code was created but in OnAftherImportSection.
    !!!Before import records,I must set in table Company variable "Share Items" on false manually .

    //EST01 start

    T_company.SETFILTER(Name, 'CompanyName1|CompanyName2|Companyname3' );
    IF T_company.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT


    IF ((oldKey<>'') AND T_item.GET(oldKey)) THEN BEGIN
    //MESSAGE('Key'+oldKey+' is replaced with: '+newKey);
    MESSAGE(oldKey+' is not found in '+T_company.Name);

    UNTIL T_company.NEXT=0;

    //Est01 end;

    Thanks for help... :D:D:D:D:D
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