and "pass@word1" - it's in US keyboard.
But I guess this is relavent only to UK users, where they "@" sign is in the middle of nowhere [I still cannot get used to it].
and "pass@word1" - it's in US keyboard.
But I guess this is relavent only to UK users, where they "@" sign is in the middle of nowhere [I still cannot get used to it].
now I will test the password, I hope the password is successful
I would suggest to read user guides before start tests..... =;
But real dev is never read it... :-#
for administrator usually password is "pass@word1" :-$
But there are more users with different roles you may want to try, so you need to read guides
But I guess this is relavent only to UK users, where they "@" sign is in the middle of nowhere [I still cannot get used to it].
Dynamics NAV Enthusiast
Are you sure its permitted to publish this in a public forum.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Why then do they make it so complex? Using a Cyech kezboard I am sure you know what I mean.
MVP - Dynamics NAV