Allowed number of download retires has been exceeded".

stelcostelco Member Posts: 18

Whenever I try to download any file from customer source it gives the message "allowed number of download retries has been exceeded". Why this message is comming when our company is paying AEP( Annual enhancement Plant) every year to Microsoft.


  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    Never had this. Maybe a lot of people try to download this file?
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    stelco wrote:

    Whenever I try to download any file from customer source it gives the message "allowed number of download retries has been exceeded". Why this message is comming when our company is paying AEP( Annual enhancement Plant) every year to Microsoft.

    I have seen this a few times, I think its more to do with the quality of your internet than anything else. Check you are not runnign any software (or viruses) that are interfering, streaming music for example or downloading movies, or having such software running ANYWHERE on the network even if not downloading can cause this.
    David Singleton
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    I just want to emphasize again, the music or video or torrent etc. software does not need to be runnign on the same machine where you are trying to download. It could be anywhere in the local network, so go around to all the computers in the company and check them all. if you find one streaming music then find a big hammer and smash it.
    David Singleton
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