Anticipated Loss of Scrap % in Production

sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129

If we set the Scrap % in the routing lines (Which is anticipated scrap %), Will the system still treat this in the over all scrap %. Let me explain....

In Real life scenario, my client says he will give anticipated scrap as 2 % in the routing line. When i put the output journal assuming if the scrap generated is 3%, the system should record only for 1% scrap since he has already given the anticipated scrap as 2%.

This 2% should be taken into the COGS (since its anticipated scrap) and only 1% should be taken into Scrap account.

Is it possible?



  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    No - You'll have to modify the system to get this difference in the categorisation of scrap in the GL in this manner.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129
    Hi Adam

    Thanks for the reply. In that case, why is the field "Scrap Factor %" being captured in Routing card.
    When i saw the help it is mentioned as "Anticipated Scrap %". In that case, is it being captured only for information purpose. Should not the system deduct the scrap value with the anticipated scrap % and then post only the difference in the scrap. Is it not the right methodology and standard industrial practice? Please clarify

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    The scrap % will be used in costing and planning, it will all be rolled up.

    What is deducted etc depends upon how you report the processing.

    What you wanted is to separate out anticipated and actual financially. You could theoretically do this to a level in a standard costed environment, but you had a very specific requirement, so the answer was based upon your requirement.

    I would also say no to your question regarding standard industry practice, but it would depend upon the industry and geographical requirements of the business. It should plan to use the scrap, but it should not automatically consume the scrap and then post the difference, here you are relying on part automation with manual intervention, because the system cannot auto consume one part and then post the difference, either you manually consume stock, you automatically consume stock or you additionally report manually on top of the automatic. None of this is an issue, but your financial requirements.

    I suggest you sit down and start processing through and understand the ledger postings, then try to answer your own question.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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