In the OnAfterGetRecord of the "Employee Card" I prompt a message if some fields are not filled and i go back to xRec so that the user has to fill out these fields.
If I use PageUp or PageDown it works fine. But if I change the record by scrolling with the mousewheel I get the message more often the faster I scroll...
If i start the Debugger and scroll fast, he only fires the AfterGetRecord - Trigger once. Is this an unsolvable bug or is there may a solution?!
Regards Claus
If there is no code in that trigger the debugger won't stop there...
I actually don't use ERROR... (Nice memory...). I perform some checks and if they fail I do a
SETPOSITIO(xRec.GETPOSITION) to take the user back to the record he was viewing...
If 1. then don't use the OnAfterGetRecord trigger for this, if second i find this ](*,) because ever a message pops up.
So the confirm is only displayed when a rec (here the field in the condition) is modified and it will displayed when the user wil close the form or step to a next / new record.