ledger entry dimension table problem

vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
In My database there are two global dimension. One is for project(global dimension 1 code) and another is for Employee(global dimension 2 code).

When I create any entry In Cash/Bank/JV for Employee I have to insert Employee dimension(Global Dimension 2) in that entry as will as Project dimension (Global dimension 1).
After posting only employee dimension (Global dimension 2) is updated in ledger entry dimension table(355)with gl entry no.
Why it will not update with global dimension 1 code in ledger entry dimension table?
If I change the code to insert only global dimension 1 coed instade of global dimension 2 code, Is that affect on any process?or on any reports?
please suggest..


  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    When you are creating entries through code, make sure to VALIDATE the dimension fields:

    ... //fill fields
    YourRec.VALIDATE("Global Dimension 1 Code",dim1codegoeshere);
    YourRec.VALIDATE("Global Dimension 2 Code",dim2codegoeshere);

    This fills the Journal Line Dimension table, which is what fills the Ledger Entry Dimension table. If the Journal Line Dimension table is not filled then the LED will not get filled. There is code behind the validate of those fields that will properly fill the journal line dimension table (you do nto need to do this manually).

  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    But if I changed the Globaldimension 2 to globaldimension 1 is it affect on any report or process or gives problem in future
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    I am not sure what you did to change dimension?
  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    Actually I am getting problem in BA due to Gloabal dimension 2 code.
    Thats why I want to change the Global dimension 2 code to global dimension 1 code.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    I would look at fixing the porblem as opposed to changing the dimension. Maybe if you are much more descriptive of the exact problem you are having it ight be able to be fixed.
  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    In BA when we select Global dimension 1code wise amount to analyse GL entry cube it shows me n/a with some amount.
    It shows n/a because when we run the configurator it creates cube in SQL. And in sql it gets data n/a for for global diemsnion 2 code.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    Sounds like the problem is in what ever is creating your cubes - in stead of changing what looks tobe valid in Navision, work on what is reporting it incorrectly - if I understand you properly.
  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    In ledger entry dimension it shows data like this

    Entry no. DimensionType Dimension Code
    001 Project Pr001
    002 Employee Emp001
    003 Project Proo2
    004 Project Pr003

    After running the configurator it shows value in SQL as follows

    EntryNO Employee Project
    001 n/a Pr001
    002 Emp001 n/a
    003 n/a Pr002
    004 n/a Pr003

    So when we analyse the cube glentry Project(Global dimension1code) wies
    it shows me data like this

    Dimension Amount
    n/a 342432
    pr001 6456546
    pr002 546346754
    pr003 45438579

    This n/a is only due to global dimension2 code instade of global diemsnion 1 code in ledger dilension table
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    The problem is that whatever the 'configurator' is is not pulling data correctly:
    After running the configurator it shows value in SQL as follows

    EntryNO Employee Project
    001 n/a Pr001
    002 Emp001 n/a
    003 n/a Pr002
    004 n/a Pr003

    Why don't you fix it to properly pull the global dimension code? This is stored in the General Ledger Setup table.

    Also, what version of Navision are you using that shows you the field names in the Ledger Entry Dimension of:
    Entry no. DimensionType Dimension Code

    The fields are:
    Table ID
    Entry No
    Dimension Code (what you seem to be missing)
    Dimension Value Code
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