Business Analytics Error

dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
Hi Experts,

Business Analytics Start Configurator problem.

I have a minor issue which i can't understand whtz the actual problem is...

The Problem is when i select Start Configurator from BA database - Functions--.

An error message ... " Checking Requirements ........ Error Querying SQL Server".

All services are also active.

SQL Server is active with server Name -- myservername.
database -- xxx-yyy
company-- xyz-xyz
user -Administrator.

I have checked the Batch file which is created as below
START " " /LOW "C:\Program Files\Business Analytics\Configurator\BAConfigurator40.exe" -tSQL -s"myservername" -d"xxx-yyy" -c"xyz-xyz." -usa -p"sa@5" -lENU -x"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\__TEMP__.RLE.xml"

but still i am facing the problem.................

](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Please help me as soon as possible.........

Thanks in advance..


  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    Which version of Sql Server do you have ?
    Which version of Dynamics NAV do you have ?
    Which version of Business Analytics do you have ?
    On Sql Server, are you working with a named instance or on the default one ?
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing code. Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
    Thanx for reply

    please find the below answers

    Which version of Sql Server do you have ? -- sql server 2005
    Which version of Dynamics NAV do you have ? -- 4.0 sp3
    Which version of Business Analytics do you have ? -- BA Enterprise Manager
    TARGIT A/S Version: 2.3.1309.0

    On Sql Server, are you working with a named instance or on the default one ? -- default

    Please let me know if any query.

    Thank You
  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    Do you have SP2 on Sql 2005 ?

    Did you download the latest Business Analytics installation software from PartnerSource ?

    Do you see anything in the BA.log file ? It can be found here: C:\Program Files\Business Analytics\BAConfigurator_MSSQL2005\ba.log.
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing code. Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169
    Hi ,

    we have the installed the latest and partnersource BA.

    I can see the mesg in ba.log is

    Login failed for user ''
    Error during initialization

    Login failed for user ''
    Invalid XML
    Error during initialization

    Invalid XML
    Invalid XML
    Error during initialization

    Invalid XML
    Invalid XML
    Error during initialization

    Invalid XML
    Invalid XML
    Error during initialization

    Invalid XML

    But the login id and pwd entered are correct.

    I dont no whtz the problem is .

    according to the mesg i can understand that there is an problem in the XML but i dont no how to check it or how to solve it, can you please tel me.

    Thank You
  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    Is the user by any chance a domain controller ? Then this might help you:
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing code. Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
  • dipakpatel2505dipakpatel2505 Member Posts: 169

    Thankx for link,

    Initially I have checked by changing the code.

    but still i am facing the problem.

    Thank You
  • fisher1stfisher1st Member Posts: 4
    Name of SQL server must be his basic name.


    We have server - named: XYZ14sce
    We have dns name for this server: BAsrv

    SQL server can be called: XYZ14sce or BAsrv
    SQL instance can be called: XYZ14sce\instance or BAsrv\instance

    In BA configuration we must use first name (which is used in services - SQL service name).

    Hope this will be helpfull

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