ZUP file problem in CITRIX Metaframe XP server

sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
Dear All,

We have CITRIX Metaframe XP server in place where we have installed Navision client 5.0. User are getting connected to Navision database via Citrix server. They are facing one problem that atleast 4 times in 7 days there zup file required to be deleted or else the will keep getting error of what ever they were doing last time for example if he has searched for some data it will keep him giving the same screen next time when he log in to Navision. The solution that I have to ask support to reset the zup file and it works again.

Can any one give me any hint of solution of such problem have any one faced the similar problem? Appreciate your feed backs.



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I do not understand the problem. Of course, if user set some filter on the card, the card will be opened with same filters next time. If this is the problem, just teach the users how to use filters and how to search for data correctly.

    If it is problem of having same screen opened after starting the client again (after user "closed" the client), it is problem that "closing" in user point of view means just "disconnecting" from citrix, but the client is still running on the citrix and user is reconnected to this session next time. Set the citrix to close such a sessions or train the users to close the client correctly.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    Ofcourse I am not talking about filters.

    Even disconnecting the citrix client does the same. and when I delete the zup file it solves his problem and he can be able to work on Navision otherwise navision does not allow him doing any thing and keep him showing the same error what he did last time and it is very often.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Something like "Sales Order XXX doesn't exists" or similar? Have you some specific example of the error?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    Yes some thing like this as you said.

    I can send you the screen shot if I can have your email . I dont know how to attach the screen shot here or may be it is not allowed by the moderator.

  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    If you use citrix the zup file is stored for example in the profile (the same principle like under local NAV) (ID=%userprofile%\Database.zup). So, if a user set a filter on a form and he close the form, the filter is stored in the zup file.
    If a user change the lenght of some coloumns or move the coloumns these are also stored in the zup file.
    If the user disconnect and connect again, the filters and coloumns are used from the values in the zup file. So it's normal, that a form is opened with a filter. If you delete the zup file, the user work on "default" settings (this the user can see with the little bubble information on the menu panel).
    If the user doesn't logoff from Citrix, for example he kill the pn.exe or he disconnect the sessin in the connection center, the session are alive on the server. For a correct loggof, the user must logoff (for example if he use the desktop under citrix) or close the NAV Application (if this is the shared application) with file -> close. After correct logoff, the zup file will be replaced with the new settings.

    If an errormessage like "The sales header doesn't exist" popps up, then the user has set a filter on this No. and a other user has post it. Now he open again the form, NAV will use the filter from zup and can't find the record.

    So, if there is a error message, please upload the picture here (use Upload attachment when you write a post).

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    Dear Garak,

    User is not using any filter and nither any one is deleting or posting the record yet. I may be tell exactly that he is just entering data on the customised forms and tables which we created and when he try to search that if he has enterd similar data previously his session stuck on to it.
    While connecting ICA client it automatically loads Navision for him and when he exit from Navision it disconnects the citrix session so for him there is no logoff option what he does is only exit from navision which is a shared application on Citrix server.
    When I am trying to upload the picture getting this error;
    The image must be at least 0 pixels wide, 0 pixels high and at most 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. The submitted image is 1152 pixels wide and 925 pixels high.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Post only the part with the error, not whole screenshot. Crop the image.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    I tried to copy only the error window but still getting the error that;
    The image must be atleast 0 pixel wide, o pixel high and at most 1024 pixel wide and 768 pixels high.
    The submitted image is 918 pixels wide and 925 Pixels high.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You can use the MS Paint application to crop the image or any other graphics editor...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    I am already using mspaint to reduce the size but dont know how to reduce more to meet the requirment of mibuso. I just save the error dialogue box which is very small but still mibuso is not ready to accept my Jpg file.

  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Forgett this with the image, it seems, that is to complicated 8-[ .

    If the error pops up, press CTRL+C, go to mibuso, got to this post, press "postreply" button. And now press CTRL+V. Now we see the error message also.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    I tried as you said but it seems Copy and paste is also not allowed when it comes to a picture. But we can paste the text.
    Any way The erro message is as I said it just says that template no this does not exist although it is there since when we delete the zup file we are able to see it afterwards.
    The problem is just that the Navsion even does not allow to do any other thing it just keep on displaying the error message and does not even allow to open any other form.

    So I will appreciate if you guys can suggest some solution to it since the erro message is hard to copy here or attach with this post.

    Kind regards
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