Requisition Worksheet bug?

DavidTDavidT Member Posts: 9

I am running NAV 5 SP1 and I've noticed that if you delete a Requisition Line, NAV does not set the Planned field to False on the corresponding Sales Line. The end result is that this Sales Line will never appear on the Order Planning worksheet because it is seen as in a planned state already?

I can't find anything on mibuso that mentions this. Is this a bug?
Before I write a code fix can anyone tell me if they have any information on this problem and if it's safe to only make the change on the Sales Line. Will some other area of the system be affected????

Kind Regards

Dynamics Developer


  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    The planning engine has been rewritten in 5.0SP1 so this might be a bug. But instead of you writting your own code fix please report this to microsoft premier support so that other's can get help when the come across this problem.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
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