
Bank Report Journals - the mistake with 'JOBS'

aleksandra.kotwiczaleksandra.kotwicz Member Posts: 2

Could you be so kind and help me with the problem that occurs in Cash Management -> Bank Report Journals?

Aftter choosing 'Bank Report Journals', the following message appears:
"The Gen. Journal Template already exists. Identification fields and values: NAME='JOBS' ".

If you go to the Setup -> Jeneral -> Journal Templates, among the records you will find 'JOBS'. If you delete the record 'JOBS', the openning of Bank Report Journals is possible. But when you close Bank Report Journal, and make an attempt of openning it one more time the message from the system appears and you have to repeat the process one more time.

ALL :) Thanks, guys.

I know how to solve the problem. It refers to the polish version of NAV and the mistakes in the code of the Bank Report Journal. The solution is available on Web.

Kind regards


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    PszczołaPszczoła Member Posts: 1
    Hi Ola!
    can you please share the solution with me? I'm the beginner in NAV and have the same problem now.
    Thanks a lot,
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