Just to confuse you, Microsoft have fouled up an error message in NAV 5.
If you try to post a sales document with a posting date outside your permitted range, it tells you that:
“Posting Date must be completely preinvoiced before you can ship or invoice.”
Which is a bit misleading to say the least. The posting date check that is issuing the error is described by Microsoft article 885602. It appears that someone has managed to overwrite the error message text with something completely different.
What you need to do is open codeunit 80 and change global text constant Text045 so that it says:
“is not within your allowed range of posting dates.”
(which is what it was in v4)
“is not in the range of posting dates that are permitted.”
(which is what article 885602 says)
“is not within your range of allowed posting /tax point dates.”
(which is what the corresponding check in codeunit 90 says)
Or whatever is appropriate for the location you occupy in the space/time continuum.
Before doing this, you’ll notice that global text constant Text049 says exactly the same thing as Text045 so it looks like someone had a brain failure at some point when they were adding the pre-payment stuff to v5. A search on Partnersource failed to return anything other than article 885602 so it doesn’t look like anyone has noticed yet.
I had to turn on the debugger to see why I was getting the error. :?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Good thing people report this stuff to MS. I do not have enough patience for this. :?