When entering / editing service activity, data entry is facilitated through the use of a listbox that contains preset durations ranging from 1 minute to 3 days.
A user asekd for some more values in the listbox. However, the CRM entity customization utility does not allow changes to that field because it is placed in a locked section.
Is there a way to momentarily unlock the section? If not, does anyone on this forum know about a workaround?
Thanks in advance,
Can try using js to hide the default section, and create a new similar section for user to input / edit, provided some func to sync both sections. Agree?
Thanks, I'll look into it.
In the meantime, can you recommend a "Dynamics CRM 4 Scripting for Dummies" website or book?
Thanks again,
Any other ideas, anyone?
I've not customize this portion before so not sure about the solution, but can try to provide some possible way to code it.
Due to limitation of "locking" on the UI, therefore we need to create a "buffer area" for user input. Noticed that UI scheduleduration is actually pointing to DB scheduledurationminutes which is in int format, so logically the buffer_scheduleduration should be in picklist provided those options which needed by your client, then a onchange func to convert picklist value into minutes then only set it into scheduledurationminutes.
If this way not works, there is another option to pass in value using plugin. Again you need to use the buffer area for storing pre-process data, convertion happen upon onsave in plugin...