detecting Navision close

waynewilwaynewil Member Posts: 41
edited 2004-05-17 in Navision Financials
Is there any way to detect that Navision itself is closing?

I've tried everywhere I can think of (dummy invisible forms, Codeunit 1, etc.), but I can't find any way to achieve this.

Any ideas?



  • RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    maybe in CU1 trigger LogInEnd ?
  • waynewilwaynewil Member Posts: 41
    Actually, I tried that, but with no success.

    Where I did get success was in the OnCloseQueryForm event of the main menu form, i.e. 330.

  • RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    Well, F330::OnQueryClose happens just before F330::OnClose is triggered where ApplicationManagement.LogInEnd is called.

    So, yes, if you want to prevent/confirm closing you found the most close place (although this happens also when only changing company or just hitting Escape to many times :?
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