I am installing NAS and following Alain Krikilion's excellent How-To at:
I had no trouble using these instructions a few months ago in an SQL environment. But today I'm on a NAV server installation and am tearing my hair out.
Here is my command line:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Application Server Live>nas.exe appserve
rname=NAS, NETTYPE=TCP, servername=ABC123, company=XYZ Pilot Company, nettype=
tcp, startupparameter=WHATEVER
(Sorry about the wrapping)
And here is the error:
Date: 08/27/08
- 2:50:43 PM:
2:50:43 PM: Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV version 5.0 SP1 (Bu
ild 26084)
2:50:43 PM: Copyright (c) 1987-2008 Microsoft Corporation
2:50:43 PM:
- 2:50:43 PM: The file name contains a character that may not be used.
2:50:43 PM:
2:50:43 PM: Please check the file name. You can find additional information o
n file names in the documentation for your operating system.
I have tried putting quotes around the company name. No good.
I tried a bogus company name with no spaces. No good.
If I leave out the company parameter altogether, I get an error saying it's required.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks' in advance.
you have nettype in twice - I wonder does it think it's part on the company name?
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
I was wondering if anyone would notice that =D>
Actually, that is in the How-To under both the SQL and Navision database examples. One is upper-case, and the other is lower - which is sorta meaningless on a Windows platform, but it doesn't do any harm. (I tried removing each and there was no difference.)
I meant to email that observation to Alain at some point, but he'll probably see it now.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Application Server Live\nas.exe" appservername=NAS, NETTYPE=TCP, servername=ABC123, company=XYZ Pilot Company, nettype=
tcp, startupparameter=WHATEVER
Quotes aroung the filepath and > replaced with \
In my 1st post, that huge long path with > at the end was the command prompt. The remainder (nas.exe appservername=NAS, ...) was the actual command I was entering.
Check that the problem is not on the native DB server (wrong database file path etc.).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
5.01 ;-)
check following: servername="double quote if servername has Spaces", database="double quote if databasename has Spaces"
to check, if it is a problem with the lenght of the Foldername, as kine said, test with ~1
MVP - Dynamics NAV
It is a message I never had (talking about filename? There is no filename in the parameters).
I would try to put doublequotes almost everywhere: Try also to run the nas.exe without parameters to see if it still gives the error. If it does. I think something is wrong with the files in the subdirectory. In this case de-install the NAS, re-install it and then copy the files and then retry.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Ok, I tried putting everything in quotes. No go. Typing nas.exe gave the expected:
I have opened a support incident with MS and we'll see what they come up with. In my experience they are very good at solving problems. (I guess they have to be
Alain: (If you're there) I'm curious. Why do you have both the nettype and NETTYPE parameters in your examples?
Hi Bob
Have you checked this?
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
The NAV server is running fine - BUT the database name does have a space in it. Hmmmmm ...
The trouble is, it's a client's live server and I can't muck with it to see if that's the source of the problem.
However, I'm out of the woods.
It was suggested to me to try using the 'stock' NAS service that was created during the NAS install. (See Alain's How-To
http://www.mibuso.com/howtoinfo.asp?FileID=15 point 6 for background.) After configuring it's login credentials, I successfully added the server to the Application Server Manager and configured the server and database name. The service started.
So, I'm Ok. It would have been nice to learn something that would help others, but I have to move on since it's up and running.
Thanks' to all who contributed here.
P.S. I'm curious - how do I add [Solved] to the subject of a thread? Do I just type the subject with [Solved] at the end in the empty 'Subject' field above the reply message body?
so please write [SOLVED] infront of the subject in your first post (Button edit on first post).
For follow-up, I informed MS that the db name has a space in it and that I couldn't test to see if that was the problem. They replied that they would look into it and advise. I'll post here whatever they send me.
Well, euh , I hadn't noticed when I wrote How-to. :oops:
There is only one needed. It doesn't matter which one.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
It turns out that under Server Manager console, the NAS service 'starts', but the same error (File name contains a character that cannot be used) appears in the event log.
I have reopened the support incident, and will post the solution here when it's resolved.
I'm very interested, which little :bug: we've not seen :oops:
Did a 1-hour remote-control/whatever session with MS support rep today. No resolution - they haven't seen this either. Incident escalated to dev team.
The server box has two NAV db servers running on it ( a test and a live on), and this problem with NAS was occuring when connecting to the test one. When we tried booting/installing NAS against the live Navision server it worked (and is still working after over a week) perfectly.
Life is (way) too short to figure out why (especially on a client's dime.)
Please see Forum Rule(s) #3.9: Forum Rules.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I have been working on the same error for a long time - I was able to connect with a Classic Client but not the NAS.
but I did find a solution today! :thumbsup:
The problem in my case was, that the service name of the NAV server had double quotes ["] like this: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database Server "NAVServer:2500"
When I removed the double quotes in the services name, it work perfect!
Before: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database Server "NAVServer:2500"
After: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database Server NAVServer:2500
Hope someone can use this tip!