dim NaviPath,flfPath,dbPath,coName,dbUser,tableNo,hRec dim curRow,cf dim tableRef set cf = createobject("Cfront.cfrontctrl.1") DriverName = "Andilaey" ServerName = "DEPLOYMENT1" NetType = "tcp" Cachesize = 1000 UseCommitCache = 0 NTAuthentication = 0 UserID = "SUPER" Password = "" DbFileName = "" NaviPath = "F:\Program Files\Navision Clients\Fin260\" LicenseFile = NaviPath + "fin.flf" cf.SetNavisionPath NaviPath cf.LoadLicenseFile LicenseFile cf.CheckLicenseFile (9110) cf.ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase DriverName, ServerName, NetType, DbFileName, Cachesize, UseCommitCache, NTAuthentication, UserID, Password CompanyName = "Test Web" cf.OpenCompany CompanyName tableRef = clng(tableRef) tableNo = clng(tableNo) tableNo = 50016 cf.OpenTable tableRef,tableNo 'This above line is line 63 ' NOT DOING ANYTHING AFTER OPENING TABLE BECAUSE ONLY A TEST cf.CloseTable tableRef cf.CloseCompany cf.CloseDatabaseThis approach works correctly in Visual Basic. The only thing missing in VBscript is the inability to declare variable "tableRef" as Long. So I tried using CLng() function to convert it that way. It hasn't helped.