I am raising invoice journals from purchase ledger, and entering in the posting date, which in turn creates the due date of payment according to what is specified against that vendor account.
e.g. terms of payment net 10 days
Invoice posting date 01/08/08 would create a due date of 11/08/08 which is fine!!
However, if I also wish to use the document date on the journal (bottom section of the screen), simply to enter the date that the vendor sent the invoice the due date for payment automatically defaults to the same value that is selected in the document date regardless of what the terms of payment are specified against that vendor.
If you then try and change the terms of payment on the line, the date remains the same as whatever the document date is.
I have looked at the Purchase Ledger parameters, and there is a tick box on the update tab called Use document date for vendor. However, i have put Purchase invoices through both with the box ticked, and unticked, and the results do not vary.
Is this a bug?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
However if you put the document date in before the vendor then the payment due date is calculated correctly, which is probably the correct order of detail entry.
with out giving that number if u change the document date the due date
will be changed to document.
if u fill that invoice field the due date will come to its original date
i think it would help u