Business Notification Setup

wangjanymwangjanym Member Posts: 21
Hi, Guys. Any of you guys know how to enable this? I go to Administration and Application setup and general folder, there is business notification set up. When I clicked this, I get error message "The call to member regread failed. Wshshell.RegRead returned the following message : invalid root in registry key" with some registry path. I thought to click on option in client excutable will fix this. Do I need to install addition software for this?

Thanks in advance


  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    Yes, you need to install a couple of things. Please read the BN installation manual. The installation looks straitforward, but there are some difficulties and issues to overcome to be able to get it working as it should.

    This is an interesting post: ... tification
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing code. Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
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