Decimal places for combined field

MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
On the Sales Invoice there is a field defined as:

'$' + FORMAT(TempSalesInvoiceLine."Amount Including Tax")+ ' '+CurrencyPrefix

This ignores the decimal properties setup for the field. Because it is the total field for the sales invoice it needs to have a fixed length 2 decimal places (2:2). The field is currently acting like a 0:2. It is not showing the decimal places for whole number.

How can I correct this?

Thanks in advance :D


  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    '$' + FORMAT(TempSalesInvoiceLine."Amount Including Tax",0,'<Sign><Integer Thousand><Decimals,3>')+ ' '+CurrencyPrefix

    If you don't want the amount displaying a comma ',' if the value exceeds 3+ digits just replace <Integer Thousand> with <Integer>
  • MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
    Thank you. That worked perfectly!
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