
machumamachuma Member Posts: 2

I am a newbie.
Please can you help me. I need to create a single dataport to replace several dataports that we are using. The dataports all export data to a text file in report form, but for different companies(each with its own filters). They all use one dataitem, Sales Invoice Line. How do I set the different filters to run one after the other and separate the reports for each company in the final text file? Apologies in advance if this already exists or is way simple. I did look but could not find it. ](*,)
Here we go again.....Machuma


  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi machuma,

    this doesn't sound easy... every company has different filters? It may work when you repeat the data item per company, and set the requiredfilterfields property, and use changecompany in the OnPreDataItem trigger. The sections per company would be separated with an extra CRLF (standard behaviour). But thats not really easy and error-prone to use IMHO. I would create a setup table:

    filter parameter for field 1
    filter parameter for field 2

    This table will be used by a report or codeunit which creates one or several files to export the required data. You have to code everything yourself though, but it is easier to use in the long run and can be automated with NAS.

    with best regards

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