... Number := COPYSTR(ptext,18,20); Name := COPYSTR(ptext,38,30); "Search Name" := COPYSTR(ptext,68,30); "Address line 1" := COPYSTR(ptext,98,30); "Address line 2" := COPYSTR(ptext,128,30); City := COPYSTR(ptext,158,30); Contact := COPYSTR(ptext,188,30); "Phone No." := COPYSTR(ptext,218,30); "Vendor Posting Group" := COPYSTR(ptext,248,10); "Currency Code" := COPYSTR(ptext,258,10); "Payment Terms Code" := COPYSTR(ptext,268,10); "Country Code" := COPYSTR(ptext,278,10); ...
string := delchr(copystr(ptext,30,30),'>',' ');
That should make it work similarly to your 3.01 database and the code works on both db's without problems.
string := delchr(copystr(ptext,30,30),'<>',' ');
And BTW, don't bother with "autotriming". although the code fields should be trimmed automaticaly. maybe the type has changed in new version ?
Now, I'm interfacing a lot, so it means I have to do quite some changes, for which i really don't understand why? It has never been an issue in 3.01 on MS SQL Server 7.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
It can be that NAS does not trim? Can you try running your function from navision client ?