E-Mail logging and Outlook 2007

leesancheleesanche Member Posts: 3

I have setup up email logging per Microsoft's instructions. There is an error happening in the IdenticalItemInStorage function of codeunit 5064 (E-Mail Logging).

When it hits this line:
SenderVariant := CDOQueueMessage.Sender;

It throws this message:
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
This message is for C/AL programmers:

The call to member Sender failed. Collaboration Data Objects returned the following message:
[Collaboration Data Objects - [E_ACCESSDENIED(80070005)]]


What I am running:

Nav 5 SP1
Outlook 2007

What I have done:

I've put come messages to trap for the specific line that's erroring. When the code picks up an email message in the outlook queue folder that's when the error occurs. If the queue is empty no errors are thrown. My Outlook has the least amount of securty enabled.

Thanks in advance.



  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    What version of CDO?


    Actually, scratch that. I have seen so many Google links with posts much like your error. (Access Denied 80070005 is also quite a generic error)


    (I had also seen a suggestion with using cdosys.dll rather than cdo.dll.)

    That's all I can seem to find on this. Hope that helps out somewhat :|
  • leesancheleesanche Member Posts: 3
    I will give that a shot.

  • danielecacchidanielecacchi Member Posts: 13
    Sorry ,
    Have you solved?
    I've the same error at the same point...
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