Error with SMTP

aboomaraboomar Member Posts: 47
please guys i need help i am try to send mail with smtp but i have error message ( unknown class returned........)
I think the error in 'Microsoft CDO For Exchange 2000 ibrary'
because i wok on XP

// objEmailConf -- 'Microsoft CDO For Exchange 2000 ibrary'.Configuration
// objEmail -- 'Microsoft CDO For Exchange 2000 Library'.Message
// flds -- 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library'.Fields
// fld -- 'Microsoft ActiveXData Objects 2.5 Library'.Field

flds := objEmailConf.Fields;
fld := flds.Item('');
fld := flds.Item('');
fld := flds.Item('');

IF ISCLEAR(objEmail) THEN CREATE(objEmail);
objEmail.Configuration :=objEmailConf;
objEmail.From := '';
objEmail."To" := '';
objEmail.Subject := 'Subject';
IF MBody <> '' THEN
objEmail.TextBody := MBody;


  • aboomaraboomar Member Posts: 47
    Any body there
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    If you're attempting at sending email via SMTP protocol why use Exchange automation?

    Check out this link:

    The manner in which you are going about this process appears (primarily based on the example code) rather extensive. Using multiple automations and issuing 'settings' request statements; it seems as though you're going a little out of your way to accomplish something so simple.
  • aboomaraboomar Member Posts: 47
    //SMTPVar = Codeuint 400


    I need to know the error in this code and what the code i need to add
    link in mail
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    Do you have Table 409 (SMTP Mail Setup) setup correctly ?

    If so, what error are you getting?
  • aboomaraboomar Member Posts: 47
    Thanks Xypher

    Now i ask about link in mail
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    Now by link do you mean URL? Or an attachment?

    URL: If the last parameter of CreateMessage function is set to TRUE then the text within the email is treated as HTML

    Attachment: There should be a very simple self exclamatory function provided in CU 400 to include an attachment (Not sure if you can add multiple)
  • aboomaraboomar Member Posts: 47
    Attachment (FileAttached) does not exist or can not be accessed from the program.

    This is the error message with any kind from files
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