Cash Receipt Journal - Missing Report?

jvanclevejvancleve Member Posts: 20
My client is running NAV 5.00. From Financial Management -> Cash Management -> Cash Receipt Journals, when we Post and Print, we receive an error stating "Report 3 does not exist".

When I look in codeunit 232, "Gen. Jnl.-Post+Print, I can see that it's getting the report ID from table 80, "Gen. Journal Template". The Posting Report ID for the cash receipt record is ID 3. But there is no report ID 3 in NAV 5.0!

Which report should it be? How can I figure out which one to use? I've searched through all the reports looking for any report about cash, receipt, general, journal, etc. I can't seem to find anything, but that's probably because I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm still a Navision newb! Help!

Thanks in advance,
Jamison VanCleve

edit: solved


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