
lallylally Member Posts: 323

Sales Header has these two dimensions Depart ment code , Project code.
Sales Line also has these two dimensions Depart ment code , Project code

The above are Global dimensions or short cut dimensions. ?

Sales order – Order Button – Dimensions .
Sales order Line – order Button – Dimensions.
When u open that dimensions But both forms are showing same .
What is the difference between these two dimensions.

How it use ful could any body explain with a good example.

Could any body explain about these ?
Thanks and regards


  • diptish.naskardiptish.naskar Member Posts: 360
    By default

    GD1= Shortcut dimension1
    GD2= Shortcur Dimension2

    In the sales heder when you are defining the Dimensions that the Dimensions are specificically for the Order and not for the order lines, however, generally the lines inherit the dimensions that you define in the Order. You can specifically add new dimension for the lines.
    Diptish Naskar
    For any queries you can also visit my blog site: http://msnavarena.blogspot.com/
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    Shortcut dimensions are those you choose to see and enter directly on order lines (that's why they are called shortcut - fast input on documents) and not through dimensions button in separate table (where you can enter more dimensions).

    Global dimensions are those that are registering directly into ledger entries so you can sort and slice data easily on them. other dimensions (those that are not global) are not saved in ledgers directly but are saved only in a separate table "Ledger Entry Dimensions". Having separate table "Ledger Entry Dimensions" allows to have as many dimensions as you wish and does not require you to add new fields to ledger tables every time you want to introduce one more dimention.

    by default global dimensions are setup as shortcut dimensions but if u do not enter global dimensions but instead have often to enter other dimensions in your documents then u can setup those other dimensions as shortcut dimensions (though it will not make them global)

    To sum it up - Shortcut is about entering data, Global is about storing registered to ledgers data
  • lallylally Member Posts: 323

    I gone through dimensions manual . But I could not understand abou these dimensions functionality.
    Still I am unable to understand what is use of document header Dimensions and Line dimensions.

    And Sales order – dimensions
    Sales order – line – dimensions.

    Just throw a good example .

    I expecting a positive response .

    Thanks and regards
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    as u mentioned in the first post Department code and Project code - these are the example of two dimensions that you can enter on your documents to indicate that a given document belongs to a given department or project. In general the document header dimensions are copied to its lines but you can indicate that for example a given line should belong to a different project. Later when you process the information and finally register it the dimensions indicated in the document will follow all the way long til the ledgers where information is archived as history of you your company activities. Then when you need to analize your historic data you can analize it by dimensions (which department had biggest sales or which compain/project was most profitable etc etc)

    in early version there were only two hardcoded in the all tables dimensions dimensions - Department code and Project code. But the necessity arose for more dimensions to analize your data by. So starting Navision 3 there were implemented a more general way (storing dimensions in separate tables) and now you can add on the fly more dimensions to accumulate and analize your data by
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Check over the G/L setup whether the dimensions used are global or shorcut.

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Shortcut/GD1 relates to your customer, it categorises the region.
    Shortcut/GD2 relates to your item, it categorises the colour

    On the sales header you will see the region defined.
    On the sales line you will see the region defined, but each line could have a different colour.

    Depending upon your use of dimensions will define how they appear and where, but as shortcut/GD 1 and 2 appear everywhere it makes it easier to see and control.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • pink0902pink0902 Member Posts: 11
    I don't understand Dimension.

    I want show Dimension Name on one report. this Item journal give Department code. then i want show Department name on Food issues passenger service. But i can't do it.... If department code give , how show department name.

    :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :-k :-k :-k :-k
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