How can I easily calculate average inventory value?

jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14

I am working on creating a report listing inventory turnover ratios by item.

I started by taking the Inventory Valuation report (ID 1001) as it provides me with Cost of Goods Sold (by using Decreases (LCY) ) and I could also easily add a calculation for Average Inventory Value by using the beginning inventory value and the ending inventory value.

The thing is that I then realized that naturally the Average Inventory Value calculated in this way is very misleading as it only uses two points of reference, as opposed to let's say 365 points of reference if I want to go through a 1-year period.

Is there any relatively easy way to calculate Average Inventory Value so that Navision automatically uses each day as a reference point?

I am still quite a novice when it comes to Navision so I would naturally prefer to take some working code from another report and just add it to my modified 1001 report. Any help would be greatly appreciated... :)


  • nunomaianunomaia Member Posts: 1,153
    Look at table 5804 - Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point.

    In NAV 5.0 you can choose average day type.
    Nuno Maia

    Freelance Dynamics AX
    Blog :
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    nunomaia wrote:
    Look at table 5804 - Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point.

    In NAV 5.0 you can choose average day type.

    Hey, and thanks for the reply!

    I'm looking at table 5804 right now, but I don't really know what to do with it in terms of the issue I am trying to solve? :-k
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    I am still having no luck with this. Could anyone give me more detailed information or where to look for it?
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    In Nav 3.6, or 3.7b, report ID 10146 Item Turnover. You can change TimeBetweenDataPoints to 1D, 1W, 1M, 1Y..
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    couberpu wrote:
    In Nav 3.6, or 3.7b, report ID 10146 Item Turnover. You can change TimeBetweenDataPoints to 1D, 1W, 1M, 1Y..

    We are using Nav 5.0 so didn't have the report. I was able to find the code for it though right here at Mibuso after searching with the report ID. I had two problems with it:

    1. That report calculates inventory amounts when I need inventory values. How can I accomplish getting inventory values?

    2. "Quantity on Hand" is an unknown variable in Nav 5.0 so the line CALCFIELDS("Quantity on Hand","Sales (Qty.)","Negative Adjmt. (Qty.)"); gives an error message when trying to save the report.

    There's another topic discussing a similar situation.

    Just to clarify, I am aiming at having a report that calculates inventory turnover (definition). Originally I just modified report 1001 to calculate it:
    (CostOfInvDecreases / ((ValueOfInvoicedQty + "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)") /2 )). But calculating an average with only using beginning and ending inventory values can be very misleading.

    EDIT: I guess the quickest solution for me would be if someone was kind enough to take a look at the code of Report 1001 - Inventory Valuation and help me out on what code I need to add and where to in order to calculate average inventory value (from daily values, not just beginning and ending) between the defined dates. Anyone out there who could help me with this? [-o<
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    in your formula
    CostOfInvDecreases / ((ValueOfInvoicedQty + "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)") /2

    the ValueOfInvoicedQty is the value at StartingDate ( more precisely before the start of StartingDate)
    the "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)" (read in the footer) is the change of value during period StartingDate..EndingDate - this is because of
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(..., ValueOfInvoicedQty, "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)",...)
    defined in Value Entry - OnPreDataItem()

    so your average inventory value during period from StartingDate to EndingDate should be calculated as:
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + ["Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"/(EndingDate-StartingDate+1+1)]

    for example:
    when you enter EndingDate = StartingDate you will get
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"/2 = ([ValueOfInvoicedQty] + [ValueOfInvoicedQty + "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"])/2
    when you enter EndingDate = StartingDate +1D you will get
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + ("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"[StartingDate] +"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"[EndingDate])/3
    which is an average of 3 days, namely:
    (  (ValueOfInvoicedQty) + (ValueOfInvoicedQty+"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"[StartingDate]) +(ValueOfInvoicedQty+"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"[EndingDate])  )/3
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    Thank you very much for you help so far Eugene, I already got quite close to having it work... :D I'll try to explain what I did and the results I got:

    You mentioned that "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)" is the change of value during the specified period, but instead it gives me the value at EndDate. So I thought I'd use (ValueOfRcdIncreases - CostOfShipDecreases) instead to calculate the change of value, making the formula ValueOfInvoicedQty + (ValueOfRcdIncreases - CostOfShipDecreases) / (EndDate-StartDate+1+1)

    Then I started testing it.

    EndDate = StartDate calculates the average correctly
    EndDate = StartDate +1D also calculates the average correctly
    EndDate = StartDate +2D does not calculate the average correctly anymore

    I'm guessing that there is some fairly obvious mistake that I've made, but unfortunately I don't have time right now to figure it out or to test it further. I will give an update once I'm back to work on Monday...
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    you replied:
    "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)" gives me the value at EndDate

    indeed i though it totals the values in the range startingdate..endingdate but upon closer inspection i see that it totals values in the interval 0D..endingdate

    so i suggest you declaring a new decimal variable (let's say A) then add it to CREATETOTALS in OnPreDataItem and then in OnAfterGetRecord assign values as follows:

    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartingDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndingDate) THEN A := "Cost Amount (Actual)"

    Then in the footer you'd have accumulated change of value and the formula for average would be:
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + A / (EndDate-StartDate+1+1)
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    Eugene wrote:
    you replied:
    "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)" gives me the value at EndDate

    indeed i though it totals the values in the range startingdate..endingdate but upon closer inspection i see that it totals values in the interval 0D..endingdate

    so i suggest you declaring a new decimal variable (let's say A) then add it to CREATETOTALS in OnPreDataItem and then in OnAfterGetRecord assign values as follows:

    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartingDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndingDate) THEN A := "Cost Amount (Actual)"

    Then in the footer you'd have accumulated change of value and the formula for average would be:
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + A / (EndDate-StartDate+1+1)

    Ok, I declared the new variable A and added
    to the end of Value Entry - OnPreDataItem(). I also added
    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndDate) THEN A := "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    to the end of Value Entry - OnAfterGetReport(). Then modified the formula at the footer to
    ValueOfInvoicedQty + A / (EndDate-StartDate+1+1)

    The result is the same though as before. The logic of the formula is only valid for EndDate = StartDate & EndDate = StartDate +1D.

    And now that I think of it, the problem is indeed in the logic of the formula. You cannot calculate a multiple-period average by taking the initial value and then adding the sum of changes divided by the number of periods (average value of change). So the "incorrect" figures I get by using these formulas are exactly what Navision is told to calculate, I just need to tell it to calculate something else if I want to get the average inventory value... :)

    1. example:

    Day 1 - Inventory value 100
    Day 2 - Inventory increase +50 -> Inventory value 150
    Day 3 - Inventory decrease -100 -> Inventory value 50

    The correct average should of course be (100+150+50) / 3 = 100. The formula described earlier would give 100 + (50 - 100) / (3-1+1+1) = 87,5.

    2. example

    Day 1 - Inventory value 100
    Day 2 - Inventory increase +50 & Inventory decrease -100 -> Inventory value 50
    Day 3 - Inventory value 50

    The correct average this time would be (100+50+50) / 3 = 66,67. The earlier formula would again give 100 + (50 - 100) / (3-1+1+1) = 87,5.

    Thank you again Eugene for your help, and any further thoughts would be very helpful!
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    the logic behind the formula was as follows:
    at start you have X
    at day I you have a change A
    so the average for N days is
    [X+sum(X+A[I])]/(N+1)= [X+NX+sum(A[I])]/(N+1)=X+sum(A[I])/(N+1)
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    my mistake indeed, the formula should have been

    so in on Value Entry - OnPreDataItem():
    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndDate) THEN 
    A := "Cost Amount (Actual)" * (EndingDate-"Posting Date"+1);

    for overflow issues you may wish to transform it as follows:
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    Eugene wrote:
    the logic behind the formula was as follows:
    at start you have X
    at day I you have a change A
    so the average for N days is
    [X+sum(X+A[I])]/(N+1)= [X+NX+sum(A[I])]/(N+1)=X+sum(A[I])/(N+1)

    So I guess the problem with it is that the change A in that formula is change compared to the original X[0], as opposed to how Navision defines the change by comparing to X[I-1]...

    The question then becomes either:

    (a) how can I edit the report to calculate the sums of all the changes compared to the original value X[0] instead of the previous value X[I-1]?

    or the original

    (b) how can I edit the report to just sum the daily inventory values and then divide it by the number of days?
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    Eugene wrote:
    my mistake indeed, the formula should have been

    so in on Value Entry - OnPreDataItem():
    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndDate) THEN 
    A := "Cost Amount (Actual)" * (EndingDate-"Posting Date"+1);

    for overflow issues you may wish to transform it as follows:

    Ok thank you, I will take a look at this right now :)
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    should be right now ;)
  • jiipm2jiipm2 Member Posts: 14
    Eugene wrote:
    should be right now ;)

    Yes, it appears to be working fine now! =D> Thank you so much for your help with all of this, Eugene! You've made my week even though it's still only Monday... :mrgreen:

    One more question though, what kind of overflow issues do you mean?
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    Accumulated value of A is going to be very big so it is better to devide values on the fly in OnAfterGetRecord
    IF ("Posting Date" >= StartDate) AND ("Posting Date" <= EndDate) THEN
    A := "Cost Amount (Actual)" * (EndingDate-"Posting Date"+1)/(EndingDate-StartDate+1+1);
    and then in the footer you dont need to devide by (EndingDate-StartingDate+1+1)
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