Miniform Error (ADCS)

RMarcRMarc Member Posts: 36

I've develoved ADCS with Nav 4.0 SP3 and SQL 2005 in a customer.

I need to call a new miniform when the user post the picking. The objetive is to ask the user if is sure that wants to post the picking.

But, when I call this new miniform, the terminal is blocked and in the event viewer diplays this error menssage:

"Something went wrong when trying to reply to internal key 6."

I have tested, and this error appear when I call the function "ADCSNasStartup.SendXMLReply(DOMxmlin)" into SendForm function.

Please, can somebody help me???



  • RMarcRMarc Member Posts: 36

    I have already managed to operate the new functionality in ADCS.
    The problem was that in then miniform, I had two text lines as body #-o #-o .

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