Showing a variable on a NAV 5.0 Menu Suite

Tarek_DemiatiTarek_Demiati Member Posts: 112
Until Navision 3.xx displaying a variable on the meny was a piece of cake, with the menu suite there are not a lot more restrictions, ie you can't have code behing a menu suite item ...

My problem is the following, I'm implementing a solution for a client where we use the responsability centre, basically every company is a resp centre in our structure, so I have one company with multiple resp centre.

Once a user login, they must select the responsability center they want to work in, what I would like to display is the responsability centre selected (stored in table ID 91 User Setup) once the user has selected it, so he knows in which entity he's working

Is there any trick for doing that (on NAV 5.0 with menusuite not a pre 4.00 with the old menu!!)?

I thought of maybe launching a big form from Codeunit 1 to display the resp centre name, but I was looking at a more elegant solution.Since this will be hidden by any other form coming on top of it...

ie : displaying the resp centre name near the USER ID and TIME (in bottom status bar), This was not possible a few years back, does anyone know if this has changed since then ?

Changing the Caption, of a menu item using CAL code, but it does not seems possible ...


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