Hi all,
Am having the following problem when trying to reCreate A user on Dynamics NAV 5.0 that uses an SQL 2005 Database.
2714,"42S01",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Il existe déjà un objet nommé 'UserZ' dans la base de données.
2759,"42000",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Échec de CREATE SCHEMA en raison d'erreurs antérieures.
{CALL [sp_grantdbaccess](?)}
Sorry but am using a french version of SQL Server 2005. Here's my own traduction of the two first lines :
2714,"42S01",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]An object named 'UserZ' already exists on the database.
2759,"42000",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] CREATE SCHEMA failed due to anterior Errors.
Here's what i did exactly before starting getting this error :
The user UserZ was in the database but i removed it directly using the Server Management Studio (context menu on MyServer->Security->Logins->UserZ)
As the userZ was a user on 2 Databases (MyServer->Databases->DB1->Users) I tried removing it directly using the context menu with no success.
I run the following T-SQL Command
select * from information_schema.schemata
where schema_owner = 'UserZ'
and got one line. I used the found schema_name :
Alter authorization on schema::UserZ to dbo
I could then delete the User using
drop user UserZ
I did the same on a second database.
Any ideas ?
is there allready a user (SQL User) on the database because its a copy of a database from a other server :?:
I recreated the user as it's a requirement to create Users inside Navision.
There are other users but all of them were created directly on the current server.
May this help ?
I could finally create the User on the master Db and the Dbs that were used by the User 'UserZ'.
Don't ask me why cause i cannot reaaly understand what it was. It seems that the schema userZ was still used in one of the DB. I ran the following commands on the All the Dbs used.
drop user adelZ
drop schema AdelZ
drop login AdelZ
Hope this will help others
Thank you all.