Hi all,
I have some code on the Purchase Order form that runs each time a Vendor No. is entered. Basically the code looks at some new fields in the Vendor table where an alternate delivery address can be specified, and copies the contents to the PO header 'Ship-to address' fields.
Vendor.GET("Buy-from Vendor No.");
"Ship-to Name":=Vendor."Alt del addy - name";
"Ship-to Address":=Vendor."Alt del addy - add1";
"Ship-to Address 2":=Vendor."Alt del addy - add2";
"Ship-to City":=Vendor."Alt del addy - city";
"Ship-to County":=Vendor."Alt del addy - county";
"Ship-to Post Code":=Vendor."Alt del addy - postcode";
This works fine unless the Ship-to address already has something in it, in which case it is overwritten. How can I prevent this? Thanks in advance!
Just check if Ship-to address is blank then write the other details else leave it alone.