Ifsomeone can quickly help me. I want the Optionstring of the <Field> "Type" in the Field Table - Table 2000000041.
The only way I know of how to do it is to create a new report with the "Field" table, go to the sections, add the <Field> "Type", go to the Properties of the TextBox, go to the <Property> Optionstring, and get the values. Only problem is, my session just kills itself the moment I get to that property - it just disappears without any message or anything. #-o
Can someone please give me the value? [-o<
Regards Fredrik
I know of many ways to get the values, but I want the actual optionstring. I need it to be exactly the same, because I will to comparisons between the 2 tables.
I tried, added that table as the source table of a form, looked at the properties of the type field, and right as soon as you put the cursor on the option string property the system crashes.....
This is the correct way. You can read the Captions and Names through the FiledRef.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
If you don't know the code to use:
Or the more appropriate method:
Then I created table with one field for every data type. And run process which inserts data about my new table from Field Table in to another table.
The result "a bit" surprised me., though it could explain buffer overflow:
OptionNo OptionStr
34559 Integer
11519 Text30
35071 Code10
12799 Decimal
35583 Option
34047 Boolean
11775 Date
11776 Time
33791 Binary4
33793 BLOB
11797 DateFormula
04912 TableFilter
36095 BigInteger
36863 Duration
37119 GUID
04988 RecordID224
37375 DateTime
Of course with Case statement I got what I wanted, but I'm just curios about Type field properties