Item Tracking Mess - Urgent!

MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
edited 2008-06-18 in Navision Attain
I have a client on Navision 3.1 with a data problem.

Somehow the SN Specific Tracking field became unchecked. Now they have thousands of tracking lines that are incorrect.

Sales - These transaction created negative tracking entries but did not apply to the positive entry for that serial number. Now there is both a positive and negative entry with that serial number that are both open. These are easy to fix but unfortunately there are several hundred.

Transfers - The negative tracking entry was recorded but no positive tracking entry was created. The item ledger entries are correct.

Purchases - these entries are fine

Does anyone have a quick and safe solution?


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from Navision forum to Navision Attain forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
    Never mind. I ended up just manually fixing the entries.
  • MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
    Well I was going to manually fix the 5,800+ entries but ran into another problem.

    There are many sales transactions where the shipment ILE was applied to a receipt with different serial numbers.

    So there are open positive and negative tracking entry for the same serial number.

    Here is a simplified example:

    Item tracking lines
    Item Serial # Qty Remain Open ILE No
    XXX 123 1 1 Yes 101
    XXX 123 -1 -1 Yes 102

    Item Ledger Entries
    ILE Item Qty Remain Open
    100 XXX 1 0 No
    101 XXX 1 1 Yes
    102 XXX -1 0 No

    As you can see ILE 102 was applied to ILE 100 but the serial number for ILE 101 was used.

    Any ideas on how to fix this mess? ](*,)
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