African taxes calculation based on US Sales Tax calculation?

Aure69Aure69 Member Posts: 30
Hi, I am currently working on a Navision deployment in 20 countries in Africa. We use Incadea, a vertical solution for the Automotive Business based on Nav 2.60 with some Nav 3.70 objects.

Here is my business case :

In Africa the state collects advance on taxes in the following way.

If the customer is a company which pay taxes on benefits, the invoices will be done like this (example from Burkina Faso) :

Amount = 100
VAT = 18
Amount incl. VAT = 118
Advance on taxes = 2
To be paid = 120

The calculation for the advance is [Amount incl. VAT]*0,02 (no decimal in most African currencies).

The G/L entries for this advance are quite similar to the VAT G/L entries.

This means I have to calculate a tax based on an amount which includes taxes.

I think that the US sales tax features could be a good basis to do this but I cannot get any documentation on this since this should not be used in my areas (French speaking African/European/Indian Ocean countries).

So 2 questions :
1/ could you please help me to get a documentation on the US Sales Tax features
2/ do you have any advice to do this ?
Business Analyst
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.


  • cmoihamidcmoihamid Member Posts: 4
    Je pense que vous pouvez régler ce problème en ajoutant un bout de code voici l'idée:
    Spécification d'un mode de réglement.
    Sur l'état impression test ajout d'un code qui vérifie le mode de réglement si le mode de réglement est celui que vous avez creez pour cet effet, calcul de la valeur de "advance" et ajout d'une ligne de type C/G sur la commande (Le compte est a spécifier).
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