
Problem with table 363 (Analysis View) locking

rtoppesrtoppes Member Posts: 3
In our enviroment with 110 User and Navision 4 Installation (Database 4.01 and client 4.03 with HF7) we have sometimes a day the message.

An other user has blocked the table Analysis View, please try later again.

ok table 363 is empty on our system

The error are only during booking processes (invoice, Revaluation ....) and stops the transaction.

We booked with the system 900 invoices per day with all related other processes, the error are from my view not repeatable, other user other processes other time but appears 5-15 times per day.

Have somebody an idea ??


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    WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    So you don't use the analysis views?

    Is it possible you did create one and enabled the "Update On Posting" checkbox (just a long shot)?

    May be you can check the client monitor and/or Code Coverage to see what's going on?

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
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    rtoppesrtoppes Member Posts: 3
    no we dont use this part, the tables are empty
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    papvrepapvre Member Posts: 24
    We have the same problem DB and Client 4.03 + HF6 + SQL 2005. We don't use "Update on Posting". The entries tables are Empty. Only one record is in T363 "Analysis View" but with not related entries (all entries tables are empty).

    Any solutions ?
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    WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    It's hard to so with only this data. Did you try to monitor with the Client Monitor?

    You can use the default, but the extended one from the TOOLS CD is much easier to make analysis in ... . Did you try that?

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
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    papvrepapvre Member Posts: 24
    To this time a I try to find something in code that can make problems or locking the table. From Code Coverage I only find one line that works with "Analysis View" functionality. It is in C13 at the end of Code() trigger:
    But this is standard code and no changes were made to "Analysis View" functionality. And as I said we don't use update on posting

    I do what you suggest, i start with default Client monitor.
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    WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    Well, it's better (and easier) to use the more advanced one, you know :-)

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    Just out of interest did you try creating an actual analysis cube and set it to not auto update, just to see what happens?

    If you are getting this probably when the functionality you say is not being used it would be interesting to see what happens when u create one and manually set it not to auto update. Perhaps the code needs to see a cube with the flag switched off.

    Crazier things have happened.
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