Orderplanning useless when Bom not certified

dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
NAV 4.0 sp3, BE , SQL2005 , Windows XP , Server 2003 - DB
Dynamics Partner


We are having wierd problems with the orderplanning. I tested it in the demo database Cronus and it gave the same error.

Problem: We have the order planning under purchases menu to see what we must order. If, lets say the bicycle from the demo Cronus was to be sold but it needs to go in productie, then when the production BOM is not certified the calculate Plan just stops with an error the Prod. Bom xxx-yyy is not in the filter ... certified. What means that the BOM linked to the Item is not certified.

If the production would take a few weeks and during that time an error was found in the Production BOM the customer sets the BOM to "under development" for a while in order to change it to fix the problem found. Before production actualy begins the Prod. BOM is corrected and certified again.
During the time that this Production BOM is not certified, let it be 1 hour, 1 day or longer. The orderplanning is not functional because that order has an item on it where the Prod. BOM is not certified !!! And after the error the orderplanning is empty ??!! What about all the other orders ](*,) . The error appears when you do a calculate plan of the orderplanning.

Is this normal ??? I hope not ! Any solutions for this problem ? [-o<

More logical would be that the error is reported but that all the other lines that have nothing to do with the BOM not being certified would appear as normal ! The error management of the orderplanning realy sucks :x

I searched for hotfixes on partnersource but found none for this problem ?

Maybe I'll have to take this to Microsoft ? :bug:

Hope you guys can help me !
Anyway, thanks for your time in advance !


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    What's the problem? It's logical for it to give you an error if it's not certified. Or else the company would make a bunch of these items using incorrect components.
  • dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
    Yes it would be normal if it gives an error for that line where the BOM is not certified.

    But after the error the orderplanning is empty so all the other orders cannot be processed. Those orders do not have anything todo with the BOM that is not certified !

    The error comes during the calculation (filling of the table) of the order planning.

    It is not during the creation of the Purchase order itself !

    I'am I missing something here :-s ?

  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Yes... You're right. It does stop the whole process.

    The reason for this is because when you do MRP and plan down to the component, you do not want to system to recommend a number based on incomplete data when you do a enterprise resources planning.

    If you just create a bunch of orders and skipping the ones with the uncertified BOM, you will incorrectly order/produce the desired quantity and blame Navision for giving you incorrect production/purchase numbers.
  • dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
    Alex, I don't follow you in the enterprise resource planning.

    If for example I have a computer and a bike that have nothing to do with each other.

    They sold both, the computer on Monday, the bike on thuesday. For some reason the BOM of the Bike is set to "under development" on Wendsday. The Computer is no BOM and must be ordered because it is out of stock.

    If you open the orderplanning on Friday and do calculate plan, you wil get an error indicating that the BOM of the bike is not certified, this is normal, wanted and usefull.
    After you press OK, the error closes and you end up with an orderplanning that is empty ?!?? Where is my order for the computer ???

    This does not seem very logical ! :-k

    Just try the following steps in NAV4 Cronus demo database
      1) Open orderplanning and calculate plan -> Filled with all different orders and not only bikes 2) Change the BOM (1000) of Item 1000 (bike) to Under Development 3) Open orderplanning and calculate plan -> You get the error of Item 1000 not been certified, you press OK and have to press cancel to close the progress bar window that is still on top (waiting does not help) -> Orderplanning is empty ???? Where are all the orders that we had in step 1

    Hope this makes the problem or question more clear.

  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    I understand your pain. But I just don't agree with you that it's a bug.

    Order Planning function is typically used for companies that are Make-to-Order. Therefore, you have to follow the best business practice for a make-to-order manufacturing company. As such, you cannot properly create a plan based on incomplete BOMs.

    If you want to use the planning function for non-BOM items, try using the Requisition Worksheet instead.
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