Report Lines

nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
Hi there,

I have created PO report but i have problem with line.
When my PO has few number of lines the footer section moves along the center of my report.

What i want is that i have footer that should be always place in the buttom of my report.So I changed the property of the footer section PlaceInBottom = Yes.

But ive got a problem. ](*,) There is spaces that comes into the middle of my report which has no line.

So my report has break white space in the middle in such case i have only few lines of detail.

Could anybody have idea how to work on this.


  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    nhel wrote:
    Hi there,
    I have created PO report but i have problem with line.
    To form a box to my report
    When my PO has few number of lines the footer section moves along the center of my report.

    What i want is that i have footer that should be always place in the buttom of my report.So I changed the property of the footer section PlaceInBottom = Yes.

    But ive got a problem. ](*,) There is spaces that comes into the middle of my report which has no line.

    So my report has break white space in the middle in such case i have only few lines of detail.

    Could anybody have idea how to work on this.
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    if the section is actually a Footer section, there is a property of the section called "PlaceInBottom"... :mrgreen:
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
    it seems he's trying to have a border line in his report.. you have to use an integer predataitem and count the exact line of every page.i'll post the example here later..
    be smart before being a clever.
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Yes I should be place in button in every page of my report,
    But the problem, if i have only few lines of item in PO what happens to my report the line cannot reach to connect to the line i created at the footer which is placeinbottom.

    So my report looks like theres and empty space between detail and the footer, and that should be place with a line.

  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    What i want is that i have footer that should be always place in the buttom of my report.So I changed the property of the footer section PlaceInBottom = Yes.

    #-o i didn't see this line, sorry...btw, i've had the same problem...but reading sendoh's post, i think he solved it like I do...then, wait 4 his post :mrgreen:
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    "sendoh" got it want i really wanted to be it look with my report.."Galing mo".

    Just like in crystal report you can place a box which will passes through all sections of the report with breaking or box being repeated per section.

    I have created a Integer dataitem but i can find way how should i insert as a dummy when my line items are few.and Get the appropriate numbers of dummy to be inserted at detail.For this able to reached the line in the bottom of my report.

    Thanks ..and thanks guys..
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    nhel wrote:
    Just like in crystal report you can place a box which will passes through all sections of the report with breaking or box being repeated per section.

    Just like in crystal report you can place a box which will passes through all sections of the report <B>WITHOUT</B> breaking or box being repeated per section.
  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    see i have a solution of your problem. add dataitem Called INTEGER which should have same indent level and below purchase line data item.

    first of all you have to check that how many lines will print in one page. eg. item line in purchase order. got it ? if suppose 25 lines in one page then if you have 5 line in purchase order. then you have to print 20 blank to reach that disconnected line. put code in on predataitem on an integer.
    setrange(number,1,25-"purchase line".count);

    in section just add vertical line to connect your verticalines. section height would be same as "purchase line" section height

    do it first then i will tell other thing when purchase order has more than 25 lines.
    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi rajpatelbca,

    I have created an integer dataitem,
    And line already intersect the bottom footer but i notice it creates a large spaces in between the next line.

    What should i do to this it seems that per page assign 5 line items and consume the whole page of the report though it has already line interconnected from detail to footer..

    Thanks rajpatelbca,
  • sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
    OBJECT Report 75000 Boarder Line
        Time=[ 4:49:27 PM];
        Version List=;
        { PROPERTIES
            { PROPERTIES
                               i +=1;
                               vCustArr[i][1] := Customer."No.";
                               vCustArr[i][2] := Customer.Name;
        { PROPERTIES
                            IF (i <=47) THEN Integer.SETRANGE(Number,1,47);
                            IF (i >48) AND (i <= 95) THEN Integer.SETRANGE(Number,1,95);
                            IF (i >96) AND (i <= 143) THEN Integer.SETRANGE(Number,1,143);
                            //..and so on....
                            //--sorry for the hardcoding ^---change it if you have other solution for this--------
            { PROPERTIES
                { 1000000003;Shape  ;300  ;0    ;13200;1692 ;ShapeStyle=Rectangle }
                { 1000000002;Label  ;2850 ;1269 ;1500 ;423  ;CaptionML=ENU=Name }
                { 1000000000;Label  ;600  ;1269 ;1500 ;423  ;CaptionML=ENU=No. }
            { PROPERTIES
                               IF Number MOD 48 = 0 THEN
                { 1000000001;Shape  ;0    ;0    ;600  ;423  ;ShapeStyle=VertLine }
                { 1000000004;TextBox;600  ;0    ;1500 ;423  ;SourceExpr=vCustArr[Number][1] }
                { 1000000005;TextBox;2850 ;0    ;1500 ;423  ;SourceExpr=vCustArr[Number][2] }
                { 1000000007;Shape  ;13200;0    ;600  ;423  ;ShapeStyle=VertLine }
                { 1000000008;TextBox;13950;0    ;1500 ;423  ;SourceExpr=Number }
            { PROPERTIES
                { 1000000006;Shape  ;300  ;0    ;13200;1692 ;ShapeStyle=Rectangle }
          vCustArr@1000000000 : ARRAY [500,2] OF Code[50];
          i@1000000002 : Integer;
          Cnt@1000000003 : Integer;

    this will give you an idea.i don't have time to test it thoroughly so test it.
    be smart before being a clever.
  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    edited 2008-06-05
    I have created an integer dataitem,
    And line already intersect the bottom footer but i notice it creates a large spaces in between the next line.

    What should i do to this it seems that per page assign 5 line items and consume the whole page of the report though it has already line interconnected from detail to footer..

    have you set the height of integer body ?
    it should be same as Purchase Line section.
    have you put integer dataitem at same indent same as purchase line ?

    yes as sendoh suggested copy code in *.txt line and import it.
    you will have better idea.
    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    yes they are all the same SectionHieght = 449 in the Purchase line and I also assign SectionHieght = 449 in Integer1.

    And also i notice it create 1 blank no item in the last page.
  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    yes as sendoh suggested copy code in *.txt line and import it.
    you will have better idea.
    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    have you put integer dataitem at same indent same as purchase line ?

    Previously they have same indention but no record appears to my report.
    I used to indent one more. So theres record shows.

    But my report also have 2 integer with same indention to this new integer.
    Those 2 existing integer is use for errorloop and dimension loop.

    It seems this might cause why it has a large scale took by this sections.

    Because there are 3 integer with same indention including my new one created?
  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    as just i suggested above, sendoh has written that code plz. put in a notepad and save as *.txt eg. test.txt and import it. and look at that report you will have idea how to use an integer dataitem.
    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Yes, i have see the report and just little fine tunning with alignment needed to his report.

    Then i use to export first my existing report to .txt so that i can apply at which part of the code should i have to put as same with putting line from that report.

    Thanks sendoh, "Galing mo talaga..Iba Ka!!heheheh"
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