Client is complaining that in Nav. 5.0.1 the field "Applies-to Doc. No." is not being populated in the "Cust. Ledger Entry" table when the posted Sales Invoice Header and/or Sales Cr. Memo Header table field "Applies-to Doc. No." ispopulated.
Is this a bug or a feature?
gotta get that question out of the way.
If i look at the posted Sales Invoice Header both fields "Applies-to Doc. No." and "Applies-to Doc. TYPE" are corrected populated.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
when you create a credit memo via "copy document" of a posted invoice, and then post, the posted credit memo entry fields "Applies-to Doc. Type" and "Applies-to Doc. No." ARE POPULATED with the corresponding Invoice and Invoice number that the CM was applied to.
HOWEVER, if you look at the Cust. Ledger Entry for that CM transaction the field "Applies-to Doc. Type" IS POPULATED with Invoice, BUT the field "Applies-to Doc. No." is BLANK!!!!!
In prior versions the Cust. Ledger Entry "Applies-to Doc. Type" and "Applies-to Doc. No." fields were populated!
is this an oversite? what do i need to do to get them populated?
Applies-to Doc. No. Field
The Vendor Ledger Entry Table
This field shows whether the entry was applied to an already-posted document when it was posted. It does this if the Applies-to Doc. Type and Applies-to Doc. No. fields are filled in before posting. If this is the case, the field shows the number of the document that was applied to.
The field can be filled in from the following fields:
If the entry was posted from a journal line, the number is copied from the Applies-to Doc. No. field on the journal line.
If the entry was posted from an order, invoice or credit memo, the number is copied from the Applies-to Doc. No. field on the purchase header.
But several transaction (payment journal and Invoice) that I've been posting, resulted the blank Applies-to Doc. No. field (not with the Applies-to Doc. Type)
Is there setting / reason for the Applies-to Doc. No. to be populated or not?
you would need to check if the OnLookup trigger of the sales header does the right thing. A good template can be found in T81, "Applies-to Doc. No.".
with best regards, HTH