Hi there pips
I've created two table(T1 and T2) and i want to link them.one table have the two fields(No.which is a Code10 and name filed Option) on T2 i have (customer No. (code10),No.(Code10),Name(option) and other fields) i have 2 forms for both of them(F1 and F2).The table relation on T2
T2."No." WHERE (Name=FIELD(Name)).
On F2 when i'm on the "No." i need to lookup T1 and its not working.
I have the following code on Onvalidate and OnLookup of T2
IF "Customer No." = COPYSTR("Shearing Shed No.",1,6) THEN
"Main Shed" := FALSE;
Which validates other fields
The fact that there is some code, makes it that the standard onlookup is NOT triggered. (You may NOT even put some documented line on the trigger!).
The Validate-trigger will be run when you leave the field after selecting a value with the lookup.
PS don't forget the LookupFormID-property on the table in which you want to select a value.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Put code only in onValidate() trigger.
OK ... This will be quicker:
(2 basics examples of using LookUP)
Just import it and see how does it work.
1. I just notice, that it should be (in my opinion):
T1."No." WHERE (Name=FIELD(Name)).
Because it was on T2.
2. Check lookup property of this column at the form. You should have <No> (Default Value) or YES, otherwise You will not see lookUp button.
3. If You can post table and form at this forum (or just the form - I know that this is not always possible). I will try to check then what can be wrong (as quickly as I will be able to do it).
thanks for your troubles,i've got it correct,what i have done is delete the code in the Onlookup button(It didn't work because i've just commented it out)then i deleted it and it works =D>
Thanks again!!!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!