Out the ITEM but Not Considered as SALES

SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

Is there's Away in NAV that to out an ITEM...but Not Considered As Sales...

Our Client want to Out an Item...but Not considred as Sales...And the Amount will not got to AR account..

but to Other Expense Account:

This is the Entry must Be:

Debit= Expense Account

Credit = Inventory Account

But the Item is out to Inventory. Any Idea how to do it..? or Any suggestion Process


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    Silva wrote:
    This is the Entry must Be:

    Debit= Expense Account

    Credit = Inventory Account
    :?: If you move an item out of stock , the Inventory Account is debited, not credited.

    You can use a negative adjustment in a item journal.
    If this item movement is posted to the G/L, the account which is debited is the "Inventory Adjmt. Account" in the "General Posting Setup", the "Inventory Account" in the "Inventory Posting Setup" for the Item's "Inventory Posting Group" is credited.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Seems to be the case of Sample Sale where no amount is recoverable from the customer. You can sell the item with 100% line discount and no AR balance will be created. If it is a regular inventory item then you will need to pass a journal voucher to transfer the COGS to Expense account (May be Bussiness Promotion Account) else you can define the expense account itself as COGS in Gen. Posting Setup.
    The key here is that you do not book the Sales price as expense but only COGS which is the correct accounting way.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

    I tried what you have Suggested, I sell the Item 100% discount, but It Create an Credit(negative) amount to Sales Acccount..Is there a way To Zero out that..I mean no Effect In sales Account.. ](*,)
  • SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281
    Hi..Thanks very much for the Advise....
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