Please help me Re:Sum(Amount)

nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
Hi guys,

Anybody who have idea on how i get the sum of a particular field. Without coding like DRAmt := DRAmt + DRAmtTemp;

Example: "Gen. Journal Line"."Debit Amount" to get this summation.
But this is not a FlowField.How can i make this field to be a flowfield so that I can apply this code "Gen. Journal Line".Calcfields("Debit Amount")

Thanks in advance.


  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    if you want to make field as a flow filed. flowfield is a actually user for faster calculation. it is based on sumindexfield technology. fo eg.

    if you want to add make field as flow filed then change fieldcalss property of field. use appropriate method like sum,avg,min,max,exist.lookup,etc.

    in this you have to define Table,field,tablefilter

    here you will calculate flowfield for a field of table by using table filter.

    so, finally u have to add that flterfield in a key list of table and field in sumindex field of defined table.

    if you want more help then read Develper I.

    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,499
    [Topic moved from Navision Tips & Tricks to Navision forum]
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi Rajesh..

    I am just new with this navision.
    And thanks for your time accomodating my questions.

    But it seems i cant follow your instructions how should i declare this flieldclass as flowfield.Are you talking of table object properties or the Report Section properties?

    As i take a look into those two object both table and Section of the report i dont see this fieldclass property for i would change into flowfield so that I can continue with my summation of amount.

    Thank you very much Rajesh,

    Anyway where can I find this Delver I.Is it online manual or a book that can be bought online.

    Warm Regards,

  • krzychub83krzychub83 Member Posts: 120
    You set a FlowField on a Table.
    Focus on a row , and Shift+F4.
    In property window You will find FieldClass.
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    I followed you suggestion but i encountered error during compiling the table "Gen Journal Line" "You cannot delete or change the type of the Debit Amount field (In the Gen. Journal Line Table) before the value in the field is reduce to 0 (zero) or blank in all records. This message occured because a nonzero values found for the record Journal Template Name = 'CASHRCPT' ,Journal Batch Name = 'BANK', Line No, "10000" in company Cronus Philippines Ltd."

    I have check the Journal Template table and Journal Batch i cant find the 'Cashrcpt' column, or related to this.

    Thanks, :D
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    And also when i look the Gen. Journal Line."Debit amount" values are all numeric.
  • rajpatelbcarajpatelbca Member Posts: 178
    Anyway where can I find this Delver I.Is it online manual or a book that can be bought online.

    you can buy it or download with your partner login from microsoft site. there is one more document available in your product CD in Doc folder Named "Application Designer Guide".

    in your case you have to do it DRAmt := DRAmt + DRAmtTemp; this way.

    Experience Makes Man Perfect....
    Rajesh Patel
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    I think so, that would be a work around solution for this.
    Because this standard table "Gen Journal Line" cannot be update because of error occurs.

    Thanks again with your time.And sharing knowledge.

    And hoping we will met halfway thru this disccussions regarding NAV informations.

    Best regards,
  • krzychub83krzychub83 Member Posts: 120
    You already have some entries in this column, so You can not change column data type/class ...

    Other way to make some calculations, is to use Rec."CalcSums" function. Read more in NAV. Help about it, and on this forum of course ;).

    Quick Guide:
    1. Add the column name in SumIndexFields of the Table Key, which You want to use.
    2. Then when You will need this sum You can code:


    Now You have sum of records in Gen. Jurnal line. You can use it by:

  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi krzychub83,

    I have tried your quick guide but i cannot find this SumIndexFields both section properties and table properties.

    How should i do this?Setting the "Debit Amount" as SumIndexFields characteristics

    Thanks in advance.
  • krzychub83krzychub83 Member Posts: 120
    Go to Keys of the Table
    View -> Keys
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi krzychub83,

    I notice theres an existing Key in table "Gen. Journal Line" and Existing SumIndexFields "Balance(LCY)" Then i Use to add the "Debit Amount" beside the Balance(LCY).

    This is original set - up of keys
    Key SumindexFields
    "Journal Template Name.Journal Batch Name,Line No." Balance(LCY)

    What I did Is include "Debit Amount" besides Balance(LCY)

    Then I attached a control with SourceExpression = "Gen. Journal Line".Calcsums("Debit Amount") but i notice the output is boolean.

    It returns "YES". Do i need to create a new keys?then assign SumIndexFields for "Debit Amount".

    And should i have to code the following?

    "Gen. Journal Line".SETCURENTKEY(KeyWithYourColumnNameInSumIndexField);
    "Gen. Journal Line".SETFIELTER()...

    "Gen. Journal Line".CALCSUMS("Debit Amount"); //Since this line is an expression of control object attached to the report.And i am thinking no need for this code Gen. Journal Line".CALCSUMS("Debit Amount");

    Thanks in advance.
  • krzychub83krzychub83 Member Posts: 120
    Hi nhel

    I wasn't able to answer sooner. I see that my solution probably wont help You to solve the problem.

    1. Case

    This solution is working for a TextBox Control.
    (I used CalcSums in CodeUnits - not in Form, but it should work)

    Define 2 globals:
    SumOfCol, DECIMAL
    GenRec, RECORD, Table81

    You SourceExpresion on Control has to be SumOfCol. If You dont use the PrimaryKey of GenRec, then remember to ad GenRec.SETCURRENTKEY(...)

    a) Then if it has to be only a global sum then put something like this in the
    OnOpenForm trigger:

    SumGlobal :=GenRec."Amount";

    b) If sum has to be dependent from Rec values, then You should put it in the OnAfterGetCurrRec trigger:

    SumGlobal :=GenRec."Amount";

    2. Case (Much more properly)

    You made mistake, which I should see sooner(sorry for this):
    I followed you suggestion but i encountered error during compiling the table "Gen Journal Line" "You cannot delete or change the type of the Debit Amount field (In the Gen. Journal Line Table) before the value in the field is reduce to 0 (zero) or blank in all records. This message occured because a nonzero values found for the record Journal Template Name = 'CASHRCPT' ,Journal Batch Name = 'BANK', Line No, "10000" in company Cronus Philippines Ltd."

    NEVER EVER change colums properties not made by You - You can then make a lot of errors on forms, report, and and... (ok, You can play with it, when You will have more experience. )

    Just make a new column in the table 81. It ID should be proper to You licenses (I think it >=50000). Then set all properties of this column like rajpatelbca posted.
    ( Example
    FieldClas: FlowField
    CalcFormula: Sum("Gen. Journal Line"."Amount" WHERE (Posting Date=CONST(01-01-01)))

    This should work, and it is a very good way to solve Your problem.
    I won't be able to help You more today.
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi krzychub83,

    Thanks with your advice.
    And thanks for your time today.

    Ill just following this procedures today. And hope this will work for my current report i am doing.

    Thank you very much guyz..
  • nhelnhel Member Posts: 39
    Hi krzychub83,

    Thanks for helping me this summation concern.
    This case helps me to come up the correct answer.

    1. Case

    This solution is working for a TextBox Control.
    (I used CalcSums in CodeUnits - not in Form, but it should work)

    Define 2 globals:
    SumOfCol, DECIMAL
    GenRec, RECORD, Table81

    You SourceExpresion on Control has to be SumOfCol. If You dont use the PrimaryKey of GenRec, then remember to ad GenRec.SETCURRENTKEY(...)

    a) Then if it has to be only a global sum then put something like this in the
    OnOpenForm trigger:


    Thanks again for your time and sharing knowledge.
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