Hello. I have a customer working with Navision 4.0 SQL version for one year and a half. When database has become larger some tasks are getting too slow (such as displaying inventory in item's card). Is Optimize the only way to improve performance in SQL?. Is there any other options or whitepapers to read about?.
Thanks so much,
look at this link you might get some idea.
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... erformance
Rajesh Patel
As a short answer, yes there is more that can be done. These range for hardware configuration to code design to database maintenance.
You can fo through the SQL database documentation from Microsoft which has some great tips.
Plus you could pay one of the SQL Server experts in Europe to spend some time with you and show you how to tune their site.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
It does not need to be 'Code" per se, it could be flow fields or a number of other things.
You should consider upgrading to 5.0 SP1. It has a lot of performance improvements for NAV SQL.
NAV Sustained Eng
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As all of the those flowfields have to be calculated at run time there's a lot of summing going on over a lot of data to perform those calculations and update the form when you move from record to record. In the past i've pulled all of the flow fields off the form and put them onto a seperate form (like a statistics form) that the user has to click a button or function key to open. This allows users to switch between simple sales order forms easily and then if they need more details they can easily get to them.
Even if this helps it's still important to run regular maintenance so that the keys and SIFT tables are optimized.
Epimatic Corp.
If the issue is flow fields, then wont 5.0 SP1 be slower?
SP1 is definately NOT faster in all scenario's
We did some deep testing for customers who were considering.
Problem is that SP1 has VSIFT which is a dramatic change.
It is much better and recommended (by me
Al of the rest can be solved with normal SQL tuning.
In fact I want to make a bold statement and request: Ractivate the sift levels for the indexed views! that way we are much much more flexible and some flowfields which are causing nightmares now will be back fast.
Does this hold true in your testing?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
As Kamil sais the performance gain is usualy caused by SQL2005 x64 having access to more resources.
SQL2000 and SQL2005 x86 does not have much difference. 2005 can even cause unwanted features in index scanning.
What about SQL 2000 x64 vs. SQL2005 x64?