Nav5.0sp1 when using Purchase Invoice 'Price including GST'

ImIm Member Posts: 11
I am using NAV5.0SP1 Australia/NZ version
When using 'Prices including GST', the GST amount is not shown in the purchase statistic and not posted to the GST account.
It works ok in the Nav5.0
Anyone else has this problem?


  • bennie_de_beerbennie_de_beer Member Posts: 43

    I have the same problem. Have you perhaps found a solution?

  • knightknight Member Posts: 45
    Hey guys..

    We encountered this issue for quite a few of our clients, and have discovered a big bug that was introduced with Version 5 SP1!! [-X

    To get rid of the problematic code (which is the issue), you need to go to table 39 Purchase Line, and go to the CalcVATAmountLines() function, and comment out the following code:

    "VAT Base" :=0;
    "VAT Amount":=0;
    "Inv. Discount Amount" := 0;
    RecPurchLine.SETFILTER("Document No.",PurchLine."Document No.");
    VATBase := ROUND((RecPurchLine."Line Amount" - RecPurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") /
    (1 + RecPurchLine."VAT %" / 100),Currency."Amount Rounding Precision") - RecPurchLine."VAT Difference";
    VATAmt := -1 * ROUND((VATBase * RecPurchLine."Prepayment VAT %" / 100),
    Currency."Amount Rounding Precision",Currency.VATRoundingDirection);
    DiscAmt := ROUND((RecPurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount" * RecPurchLine."Prepayment %" / 100),
    Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    "VAT Base" := "VAT Base" + VATBase;
    "VAT Amount" := "VAT Amount" + VATAmt;
    "Inv. Discount Amount" := "Inv. Discount Amount" + DiscAmt;
    UNTIL RecPurchLine.NEXT=0;
    "Amount Including VAT" := "Line Amount"- "Invoice Discount Amount" + "VAT Amount";

    The code is sitting inside a CASE block of code that is checking if:
    CASE "VAT Calculation Type" OF
    "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT",
    "VAT Calculation Type"::"Reverse Charge VAT":

    Once you remove this code I mentioned, the Statistics form will work fine.

    Please note however, that this is only part of the problem. If any users have created Purchase documents and posted them during this time (during the use of SP1), the related VAT Ledger Entries will be incorrect, and will have an amount on them of 0 too.

    This is a very very bad bug by Navision, and has resulted in us needing to reverse hundreds of incorrect Purchase Orders (some of which have already been paid).

    The sooner people know of this issue, the better!
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