
webweb Member Posts: 102
Hi Experts
I have created a report that is looking at a table called discount factor. This table has discount factor and commutation factors corresponding to each age. The reports looks at the age and pick the corresponding discount factor and commutation factor.
Now where you have a decimal age i.e an age between to ages which does not have a corresponding discount and commutation factors in the discount factor table, we want to interpolate.
Here is the code that picks up the discount and commutation factors when the ages are whole numbers or they correspond to a discount factor and commutation factor in the table.
   DF := Dis."Discount Factor";
   DFpre08 := Dis."Discount Factor Pr08";
   CF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
   CFpre08 := Dis."Commutation Factor Pr08";

   ERROR('Unable to get Discount Factors please ensure they are entered in the database');


// Updating DF and CF on Employee Table.
Employee."Discount Factor" := DF;
Employee."Discount Factor Pr08" := DFpre08;
Employee."Commutation Factor" := CF;
Employee."Commutation Factor Pr08" := CFpre08;
{ End of code for search DF and update Employee table. }
how can i do the interpolation on the above?
Here is how the interpolation should be:
To  calculate discount facor
[(B-A * Additional months to A)/12] + A

To calculate commutation factor
A-[((A-B)*Additional months to B)/12]

How can i use the Above interpolation formula to fit in the code above/ Can someone help me please?


  • BBlueBBlue Member Posts: 90
    edited 2008-05-24

    I assume the table Discount Factor has "Age" as primary key... In this case you could try:
    IF Dis.GET(ageOfEmp) THEN BEGIN
      DF := Dis."Discount Factor"; 
      DFpre08 := Dis."Discount Factor Pr08"; 
      CF := Dis."Commutation Factor"; 
      CFpre08 := Dis."Commutation Factor Pr08"; 
    END ELSE IF (Dis.GET(ROUND(ageOfEmp, 1, '<')) AND Dis.GET(ROUND(ageOfEmp, 1, '>'))) THEN BEGIN  //between 2 consecutive values stored in the table
      DF := ... 
      CF := ...  // implement your interpolation
    END else ERROR('Unable to get Discount Factors');

    Hope I understood you and the above will somewhat help you... if not please give us some more details like what are A and B?
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    I'm curious too on which values you're referring to as A and B.

    Is A the next available whole number age? or is it the next available age CF/DF? And B would be previous of whichever?

    As far as the code provided by BBlue, I would probably use a better age range record finder.

      Dis.SETFILTER(Age,'>=%1',(ageOfEmp DIV 1)); //Or use ROUND if you like
        ERROR('Could not find next available age.');
      IF Dis.Age < ageOfEmp THEN BEGIN
        //Found whole number of current age
        IF Dis.NEXT = 0 THEN
          ERROR('Could not find next available age.');
        //Found next available age
        //Found next available age
        IF Dis.NEXT(-1) = 0 THEN
          ERROR('Could not find record of current/previous age.'); 
        //Found previous age
      //ageOfEmp was a whole number & found etc..
    //Do interpolating calculations

    That way you can at least get the previous and next ages if they aren't side by side.
  • kolaboykolaboy Member Posts: 446
    The Original poster told me by MSN that
    in A- B , A is the next DF and B is the Previous and
    in B-A B is the next CF and A is the previous
    I hope thgis will help you to assist him.

    How can you fity in the interpolation formula in?
  • BBlueBBlue Member Posts: 90
    And what does it mean "Additional months to A" and "Additional months to B"? It's somewhat the difference in months between ageOfEmp and the first age below (if exists) ?
  • kolaboykolaboy Member Posts: 446
    Additional Months to A means the number of months added to A which makes it more than A but less than B
    Example A= 25 and B=26 and the age between them which should be interpolated is 25.5 and 0.5 is the addition months to A which is 6 months.
    I hope this is clear?
  • webweb Member Posts: 102
    Thanks Kolaboy, that is exactly what it means.
  • BBlueBBlue Member Posts: 90

    I thought a bit more at this and I wrote some code which will hopefully help you. Of course, I believe it should be refined and maybe modified to serve your purpose.
    First of all, I started with the assumption that the Discount Factor table has "Age" as a primary key, you dind't mentioned that, but this is the structure I would create such a table.
    I calculated "CF" and "DF" based on the exact formulas you provided, you should check again... and "AgeDifference" is the difference from the age required to interpolate and the nearest lower age - multiplied by 12 gives you the difference in months.
    dis_below and dis_above are rec variables for Discount Factor table which I used to search for the nearest lower and upper values of the age that will be interpolated.
    As for "Discount Factor Pr08" and "Commutation Factor Pr08" - I believe it can be calculated the same as DF and CF.

    IF AgeOfEmp MOD 1 = 0 THEN BEGIN
      IF dis.GET(AgeOfEmp) THEN BEGIN
        df := dis."Discount Factor";
        cf := dis."Commutation Factor";
        IF dis_below.FINDLAST THEN BEGIN
          IF dis_above.FINDFIRST THEN BEGIN
            AgeDifference := AgeOfEmp - dis_below.Age;
            df := ((dis_above."Discount Factor" - dis_below."Discount Factor" * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12) +
                                                  dis_below."Discount Factor";
            cf := dis_above."Commutation Factor" - (((dis_above."Commutation Factor" -
                                                 dis_below."Commutation Factor") * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12);
          END ELSE ERROR('There is no upper value in the table');
        END ELSE ERROR('There is no lower value in the table');
      dis_below.SETFILTER(Age,'<=%1',ROUND(AgeOfEmp, 1, '<'));
      IF dis_below.FINDLAST THEN BEGIN
        dis_above.SETFILTER(Age,'>=%1',ROUND(AgeOfEmp, 1, '>'));
        IF dis_above.FINDFIRST THEN BEGIN
          AgeDifference := AgeOfEmp - dis_below.Age;
          df := ((dis_above."Discount Factor" - dis_below."Discount Factor" * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12) + dis_below."Discount Factor";
          cf := dis_above."Commutation Factor" - (((dis_above."Commutation Factor" -
                                                 dis_below."Commutation Factor") * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12);
        END ELSE ERROR('There is no upper value in the table')
      END ELSE ERROR('There is no lower value in the table');

    Good luck!
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297
    BBlue, unfortunately it is rather impossible to use SETFILTER(Field,'<%1',Var)

    (Ah nm, I didn't notice you used Record.*FINDLAST*) - Because essentially even the first record would be less than 'Var'. Best method to use would be to find the first record using '>%1' filter and then use NEXT(-1) to get the record before.

    [edit: Oh and there's really no need to round the age in the filter. Ex: ageOfEmp = 53.6, Age: 54 is greater than ageOfEmp whether it is 53.6 or 53]
  • kolaboykolaboy Member Posts: 446
    How can you fit in you suugestion in BBlue's code above..Can you edit the code let me see, because i used BBlue's code but it not working.
  • BBlueBBlue Member Posts: 90

    You can use indeed setfilter '>%1' to find the next record and then NEXT(-1) to find the previous, that's just another way to do it... as for the ROUND, you are right, you don't necessary need to use it, but there is nothing wrong with that... I wonder what the real problem is :-k

    kolaboy and/or web :D,

    What exactly does not work? How do you use this report? Don't you enter an ageOfEmp from RequestForm and the report calculates the CF and DF (if not found in table by interpolating)? I did't tested on real data and I used your exact formulas, as posted here... I see this report as a batch type with no data items and that just calculates the CF and DF you need. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    We do want to help you, but if not providing more info we can just assume some details...
  • webweb Member Posts: 102
    I am using an Employee table as my dataitem and i don't enter ageOfEmp from RequestForm. The age is calculated using the employee date of birth which is subtracted from TODAY's date which is entered in a request form on the option tab and it calculate's the employee's age. This result is compare to the discount factor table and if coincides with an age say 65, it picks the corresponding DF and CF, but where it does not and it falls between two ages say 65 and 66 i.e 65.5, we interpolate. this interpolation is what it am having problems with( how can it be achieved)
    // interpolation starts here
    IF Dis.FIND('-') THEN
    IF ageOfEmp MOD 1 = 0 THEN BEGIN
        DF := Dis."Discount Factor";
        DFpre08 := Dis."Discount Factor Pr08";
        CF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
        CFpre08 := Dis."Commutation Factor Pr08";
        IF dis_below.FIND('+') THEN BEGIN
          IF dis_above.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
            AgeDifference := ageOfEmp - dis_below.Age;
            DF := ((dis_above."Discount Factor" - dis_below."Discount Factor" * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12) +
                                                  dis_below."Discount Factor";
            CF := dis_above."Commutation Factor" - (((dis_above."Commutation Factor" -
                                                 dis_below."Commutation Factor") * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12);
          END ELSE ERROR('There is no upper value in the table');
        END ELSE ERROR('There is no lower value in the table');
      dis_below.SETFILTER(Age,'<=%1',ROUND(ageOfEmp, 1, '<'));
      IF dis_below.FIND('+') THEN BEGIN
        dis_above.SETFILTER(Age,'>=%1',ROUND(ageOfEmp, 1, '>'));
        IF dis_above.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
          AgeDifference := ageOfEmp - dis_below.Age;
          DF := ((dis_above."Discount Factor" - dis_below."Discount Factor" * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12) + dis_below."Discount Factor";
          CF := dis_above."Commutation Factor" - (((dis_above."Commutation Factor" -
                                                 dis_below."Commutation Factor") * 12 * AgeDifference) / 12);
        END ELSE ERROR('There is no upper value in the table')
      END ELSE ERROR('There is no lower value in the table');
    //Interpolation ends here
    Here is BBLUE's code it used to test but not working. I am using 4.0 that is why it used FIND('-') instead of FINDFIRST. We are not making used of DFpre08 and CFpre08. We are considering two periods, before 2008 and after 2007.

    BBLUE can check what i am not doing right?
  • BBlueBBlue Member Posts: 90

    I assume that "Age" is not the primary key of your "Discount Factor" table as I believe you do a SETRANGE instead of a GET, just before the code mentioned:

    Am I wrong? In this case you don't need the
    IF ageOfEmp MOD 1 = 0 THEN BEGIN ....
    ... this was for the GET not give you an error... You should redesign the code :)

    By the way? How do you calculate the age? Are you using:
    ageOfEmp := (TODAY - "Birth Date")/365;

    I don't know... put messages during the code, see where and what does not behave correctly...
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297

    I have some small suggestions, which although may not provide a solution hopefully it might get you working in the right direction.

    (Oh and.. I don't think it was too difficult for my company but, if I may suggest, upgrade to at least 4.0 SP1 so you not only can use new, more efficient, features like: Findfirst, Findlast, Findset as well as others.)
      DF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      CF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      IF NOT Dis.FIND('-') THEN
        ERROR('Upper bound value could not be found.');
      UBoundDF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      UBoundCF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      IF NOT Dis.FIND('+') THEN
        ERROR('Lower bound value could not be found.');
      LBoundDF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      LBoundCF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      AgeDiff := ageOfEmp - Dis.Age;
      DF := ((UBoundDF - (LBoundDF * (AgeDiff * 12))) / 12) + LBoundDF;
      CF := UBoundCF - (((UBoundCF - LBoundCF) * (AgeDiff * 12)) / 12);

    For your case, even though you probably don't have a huge table of employees, it would be better practice to use variables to store the small data rather than making reference to 3 record variables connecting to the same table. (Dis, dis_below, dis_above)

    The main difference between my code and web's/BBlue's is that you two have a section of code that is shown twice. If ageOfEmp is a whole number and not found in the table, the same code to find the median DF/CF of a decimal age is used.
  • XypherXypher Member Posts: 297

    I have some small suggestions, which although may not provide a solution hopefully it might get you working in the right direction.

    (Oh and.. I don't think it was too difficult for my company but, if I may suggest, upgrade to at least 4.0 SP1 so you not only can use new, more efficient, features like: Findfirst, Findlast, Findset as well as others.)
      DF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      CF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      IF NOT Dis.FIND('-') THEN
        ERROR('Upper bound value could not be found.');
      UBoundDF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      UBoundCF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      IF NOT Dis.FIND('+') THEN
        ERROR('Lower bound value could not be found.');
      LBoundDF := Dis."Discount Factor";
      LBoundCF := Dis."Commutation Factor";
      AgeDiff := ageOfEmp - Dis.Age;
      DF := ((UBoundDF - (LBoundDF * (AgeDiff * 12))) / 12) + LBoundDF;
      CF := UBoundCF - (((UBoundCF - LBoundCF) * (AgeDiff * 12)) / 12);

    For your case, even though you probably don't have a huge table of employees, it would be better practice to use variables to store the small data rather than making reference to 3 record variables connected to the same table. (Dis, dis_below, dis_above)

    The main difference between my code and web's/BBlue's is that you both have two sections of code which are identical. If ageOfEmp is a whole number and not found in the table, the same code to find the median DF/CF of a decimal age is used.
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