That is somewhat of a difficult question as TCP/IP and ODBC are really two different things. ODBC is a network client with another option being the Native SQL 2005 client.
TCP/IP is a network protocol (sometimes called Net Library) of which another option might be Named Pipes.
The choice is not between ODBC and TCP/IP. They are actually used together.
You choose a network client (SQL Native Client or ODBC). This is usually decided for you by the application designer.
Then you choose a network protocol to use with the network client. With Navision you usual choices will be TCP/IP or Named Pipes.
TCP/IP is a common protocol widely used over the Internet. It communicates across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. It includes standards for routing network traffic and offers advanced security features. It is the most popular protocol used in business today. Configuring your computer to use TCP/IP can be complex, but most networked computers are already properly configured.
Named Pipes
Named Pipes is a protocol developed for local area networks. A portion of memory is used by one process to pass information to another process, so that the output of one is the input of the other. The second process can be local (on the same computer as the first) or remote (on a networked computer).
TCP/IP is probably the most common protocol used with Navision.
This means... the following found from page- 16 of Application Designer's Guide is wrong :
"In the SQL Server Option, the client usually uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with SQL Server although it can also use an ODBC connection."
No, that statement is still correct. I am referring to NODBC. Maybe you had a typo in your original message?
Which connection (TCP/IP or ODBC) is mostly used in SQL Server option for Navision? Why?
TCP/IP is a network protocol (sometimes called Net Library) of which another option might be Named Pipes.
You choose a network client (SQL Native Client or ODBC). This is usually decided for you by the application designer.
Then you choose a network protocol to use with the network client. With Navision you usual choices will be TCP/IP or Named Pipes.
Named Pipes
Yes, I got lazy and quoted from the SQL BOL. :-$