Is it possible to prevent multiple instances of a form??? The need for this is the following:
We have form A, form B, form C and form D, each with a button that opens form Z. Form Z has a button on it that opens form C. If we have form C open and then use that form to open form Z, the user should be able to click the button on form Z to bring the already opened form C to the front instead of opening up a new instance.
Maybe Send Keys with Ctril-f6 but then how do you make it pick a specific form and not run thru all open forms?
Another thought would be to make 1 form that has the other forms on different tabs so it's all in one place.
Another thought could be multiple subforms
Another thought could be like mentioned about another table keeping count.
-I used a temptable in a singleinstance codeunit. In this table I kept if a form was open or not.
The problem is that In the OnOpenForm and OnCloseForm, I have to call a function in that singleinstance codeunit to change the status (the same for you with the table). And if a form crashes????? => You have to re-open the company to reset the temptable, otherwise Navision thinks that a form is still open.
I think that the solution of Savatage are better.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
The other suggestions will take a little investigation on my part since I'm so new at this. But Thanks!