Recurring Req. Worksheet with Nav 4.0

rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
I have a client that is using Nav 4.0 with multiple location codes. I run the Recurring Req. Worksheet without the Location Code and the Orders insert correctly into the Requisition Line Table; howver, when I include the Location Code and execute the Carry Out Action Message, it errors with the following:
There is no Requisition Line within the filter.

Filters: Worksheet Template Name: RECURRING, Journal Batch Name: DEFAULT, Vendor No.:'', Location Code'',


I heard there is a fix in 4.0sp3 (PS#14812); however, my client cannot upgrade. Where is PS#14812 defined? I looked at the Form(296), Report(493), & CodeUnit(333) and cannot resolved the issue without changes many objects. Is there a quick fix for this problem.



  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2008-05-08
    so your vendor has multiple location codes? :-k

    Unless you use it differently from me??

    I "get Sales Orders" there I can filter using location code.

    Carry out Action -> Creates the PO.

    Are you changing the location code in the worksheet?
    there is a TESTFIELD that checks if the worksheet code matches the sales line location if it doesn't it errors out.

    the debugger can help too.

    perhaps you can explain all the steps you are taking and we can see where it goes wrong.
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    Yes, I am manually changing the location code(as while as every value on the line) to a value.
    I think the problem is when Navision creates a Purchase Order Header the location code is blank and not matching the Purchase Order Line Value (which gets it value from the changed Location Code Field).

    An example of the input data:
    Recurring Method Recurring Frequency Type No. Action Message Accept Action Message Description Location Code Quantity Unit of Measure Code Vendor No. Vendor Item No. Direct Unit Cost Due Date Expiration Date
    Fixed 1M Item 1110 New Yes Rim RED 1 PCS 01587796 266666 1.05 01/29/10

    If I remove the Location Code, it creates a PO.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2008-05-08
    i think the question is why are you changing the location code on the worksheet?

    this code in CU333
    TESTFIELD("Location Code",SalesOrderLine."Location Code");

    will error everytime if the sales line code is not matching the worksheet code.

    if i have a sales order and some items are set as location 1 & some items are set from location 2. Why would I change them on the worksheet? Your locations should be changed on the sales order to what you want them to be, first..IMHO.

    I think we use req worksheets differently :-k I use them to create PO's for merch ordered on SO.

    **OOps my bad i see you're using the Recurring Req Worksheet :oops:
    I'm able to change locations without issue on Recurring Wkst
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    If you leave the location code blank and create a PO, the Location Code is blank in the PO. If you attempt to change the location code in the PO it errors:
    You cannot change the Location Code after enterning Purchase Lines.

    Our client needs to have the Location Code on the PO.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Yes, I am manually changing the location code(as while as every value on the line) to a value.
    I think the problem is when Navision creates a Purchase Order Header the location code is blank and not matching the Purchase Order Line Value (which gets it value from the changed Location Code Field).

    I would put on the debugger and see what TESTFIELD is preventing this.
    I'm able to change locations without issue on Recurring Wkst
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    When you state Recurring Wkst do you mean Recurring Req. Wkst or Requistion Wkst. I can change the L.C. with the Requistion Wkst but not the Recurring Req. Wkst. Which version are you using 4.0, 4.0sp3, or 5.0?
    I ran the debugger and the first error is on:

    I am new to Navision and don't have a clue on how to fix this.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Run the debugger with breakpoint on triggers off.

    At first I was talking about Req. worksheet only - (sorry i didn't read the post crefully enuf) but on the last post where I said turn on the debugger - I did test changing location codes in the Recurring Req. Worksheet and was able to post fine (ver 3.7)
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    Version 3.7 works completely different than 4.0. I can get ver 3.7 working OK; however, ver 4.0 does not work. Could you ran 4.0 and see if it is working for you also. I would like to know if version 4.0 has a bug and if my mods are effecting the issue.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    you answer is right here:
    I heard there is a fix in 4.0sp3 (PS#14812);

    do you have access to partner source?
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    Yes I do. But I could not find it on the site. Could you give me a URL or directions how to get to the site.
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    I resolved this by deleting one line of code in CodeUnit 333. Location Code was be compared between the PurchaseHeader and the line it is processing. So if the Purchase Header had no Location Code the filter would remove everything and it would error. Here is the code:
    "Action Message"::New,"Action Message"::" " :
    IF NOT PurchasingCode.GET("Purchasing Code") THEN
    PurchasingCode."Special Order" := FALSE;
    IF (PurchasingCode."Special Order" AND
    (PurchSetup."Combine Special Orders Default" =
    PurchSetup."Combine Special Orders Default"::"Always Combine") AND
    ((PurchOrderHeader."Buy-from Vendor No." <> '') AND
    (PurchOrderHeader."Buy-from Vendor No." <> "Vendor No.") OR
    //(PurchOrderHeader."Location Code" <> "Location Code") OR
    (PurchOrderHeader."Currency Code" <> "Currency Code"))) OR
    (NOT PurchasingCode."Special Order" AND
    (((PurchOrderHeader."Buy-from Vendor No." <> '') AND
    (PurchOrderHeader."Buy-from Vendor No." <> "Vendor No.") OR
    // KLH.01 removed (PurchOrderHeader."Location Code" <> "Location Code") OR
    (PurchOrderHeader."Sell-to Customer No." <> "Sell-to Customer No.") OR

    Thanks for all your help.
  • rlawsonrlawson Member Posts: 48
    How do you use Change Qty. and Reschedule with the Recurring Req. Worksheet? I changed the Action Message in the drop down to Change Qty. or Reschedule and get the following error:

    Action Message must be New in Requistion Line Worksheet Template
    Name='RECURRING',Journal Batch Name='DEFAULT',Line No.='20000'.

    Can you change the quantity in Recurring or is this a remnant from the req. worksheet.
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