csv issue

ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
When exporting a csv i want to wrap each field in double quotes. I also want each field to be seperated by a comma. All the information should therfore just be in the first cell. If i concatenate the string with a + ',' it takes this as the field seperator. Is there any way i can achieve what i need to?


  • gerritgerrit Member Posts: 5
    Set FieldStartDelimiter and FieldEndDelimiter both to <">.
    Set FieldSeparator to ,

    The above settings used in one of my dataports give the result as required.


  • ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
    Sorry i never made it clear i am using a report and not a dataport. Is it possible in a report?
  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516

    I am supposing that you are using the WRITE statement so maybe you could do this
    WRITE('""' + FieldA +'","' +...... + '""');

    Notice the 2 Double quotes at the beginning and the end.

    Hope this helps

  • ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
    Thanks for your help but this has not worked.
  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516

    Ok just checked again should be wriiten like this
    WRITE('"""' + fieldA + '"",""' + fieldB + '"""');

    3 double quotes to start and end and 2 on each side of the comma to join

  • ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
    That has worked. Thank you very much for your assistance it is most appreciated.
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