Passing Parameter to Form

ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
I have a matrix form that calculates items by sales orders. On the look up of the matrix cell it takes the user to the related sales headers that make up the qty. This is basically a form over a temp table. However i want to show the qty per item per sales header but can't get this. For example i have item x which has a qty of 25. The 25 is made up of 10 on sales header a and 15 on sales header b. When they do the look up i want 2 lines that show this. I can get this bit correct but my qty's show wrong as on after get record i am summing up all the outstanding values on the sales header rather than just for the item that i wish to relate to. Is there a way i can pass the item into the form so that when i run the form i can filter it correctly?


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