Expense out item...

SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

I have a question regarding expense out Item in NAV... Example the Item is use for sampling transaction..the item is out in inventory but not as sales....then the cost and amount for that transaction is not go to AR account..but to other account? and no effect in customer?...how to deal with that in NAV? any idea?..hoping for you reply....


  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    Hi Silva,

    Not 100% sure what you are asking. I think you are asking to adjust the inventory without affecting sales. This would be just a simple item journal. If you could give a full example it might make it more clearer.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    HI Silvia,

    Adding on to what Davet said, Depending upon if manufacture or assemble the item yourself or merely just recieve and stock it there are a few options open to you.

    If you recieve stock and want to do a sample for yourself before the product is ready for sale or returned to the vendor you can do the following.

    Setup product groups for samples to a new onhand account AR and setup a new sample location or Zone/bin location if you use the WMS system.

    you will then either recieve the stock into a sample location or transfer stock to the sample location.

    The details would really depend upon your circumstances. but it should be quite straight forward
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Silva wrote:
    the Item is use for sampling transaction..the item is out in inventory but not as sales....then the cost and amount for that transaction is not go to AR account..but to other account? and no effect in customer

    Probably you are asking about the Free supply of products. Just confirm which version are you working over.
    Check the Free Supply as true on the sales header.
    This will reduce the inventory cost, will remove the inventory and with no effect over your AR.

    Another way of doing this is, you can take the cost to discount account. Ship and invoice the goods at 100% discount, will result in as you want.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    If your talking about sending some free samples to a customer I would either enter the sales order for the customer you want to send the samples to with either a simple ZERO Price or 100% line discount.

    It depends on how you want to handle it.

    Item journal works too. Neg adjustment an item & thorw it in a box & send to a customer. but then there is no link to item & customer.

    I would add in the Posting Description(s) of either the Item journal order or sales order (Might need to add Posting Description to sales header if not visible)

    "Item(s) sent as sample to Customer XYZ"
  • SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

    It Still have a sales amount, but it will not go to AR but to the other Account(ex Sampling Expense Account)...and will not create a Sales Entry in Sales Account...because the Sampling Item is not considered as sales...Im using NAV 4 Sp3...Hoping for your reply.TY
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    You can use a sales journal to create a sales entry (whatever entry you can say) in any account you want.
    Simply use the item journal to reduce your inventory.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    of you 100% disc or zero price your sale amount is zero

    but sounds like you're not wanting to hit COGS, but instead hit this sampling account - is that correct?
  • SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281
    No, sir...I my Client want is the transaction must not Entry to Sales Account But Instead to the Other Account..but still it must have Less to Inventory and has COGS...but Not Effected the Sales Account...Because they not considerd it as Sales..Is there to do it in NAV. Hoping for your reply.
  • MW59MW59 Member Posts: 85
    Hmmm... The Inventory Posting Group and General Posting Setup, properly configured, will take care of Balance Sheet Inventory and COGS, but it sounds like you want Revenue to land somewhere unconventional.

    I would suggest creating a General Product Posting Group that looks otherwise normal, but points the revenue (Sales) to the G/L account of your choosing. And if this isn't a regular thing, don't default the Item card General Product Posting Group as such... just edit same on the Sales Order lines when confronted by this.

    My $.02

    I despise animal testing. They get all nervous and give the wrong answers.
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