Physical Inventory Posting on blocked Items

JutJut Member Posts: 72

In a project we face a problem during the physical inventory. Our customer receives an inventory notice (interface) from his fulfillment provider. Unfortunately, they always receive a full notice, i.e. all items on stock are reported. Some items are blocked in the customer's NAV and therefore cannot be posted. Is there any good solution to this problem? I have a few ideas:

1. temporarily unblock the item (I think this is no good idea especially because the system prevents unblocking items based on a few criteria)
2. mark those entries of the interfaces with blocked items as erroneous, so that they can be posted later if the item is not blocked anymore

What do you think about my ideas? Is there another better solution I ignore?

Thanks a lot in advance!



  • JutJut Member Posts: 72
    hmmm is my question too easy or too hard? :)
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    We have added a check box to the inventory setup.

    With this box we can turn on & off Posting of blocked items.
    It's a rare occurance but it beats unchecking all the items in question and then rechecking them once the posting is done.

    Codeunit 22
    WITH ItemJnlLine DO BEGIN
      SKUExists := RetrieveSKU("Location Code","Item No.","Variant Code");
      IF "Item Shpt. Entry No." <> 0 THEN BEGIN
        "Location Code" := '';
        "Bin Code" := '';
        "Variant Code" := '';
    i added..........................
    IF NOT InvtSetup."Allow Blocked Posting"

    Note: Item.TESTFIELD(Blocked,FALSE); is already there - I just made some code to either read the line or pass it by.
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    Hi Jut,

    I would approach this another way.. by asking the customer why you are getting blocked item through the interface. The idea of blocked items is that there can be no transactions against it.

    What I would suggest is to import un-blocked items and produce an exception report for items that are blocked and been transmitted in the interface.

    Hope this helps.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    We block items to stop the possibility of selling them again.

    When an item becomes discontinued we block it.
    But we allow a customer a month to return it for credit.

    So if he buy's it and returns it once blocked we have the block issue because we do need to give him credit. We do switch the location code tho to a Damage Area so not to put it back into regular stock.
  • JutJut Member Posts: 72
    Thank you for your input!

    I like the idea to have a flag in the Inventory Setup to control the testfields. I originally thought that many more places are would be influenced but if I think about it this place in CU 22 should be the only important one for me.

    I will recommend this solution or the exception-report.

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